Extras(#6)|Random AU I came up with-

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(Start: 10-06-22; 09:41 PM)
Okay so, this is what happened before this chapter. I randomly came up with an experiment AU, basically how they all got/will get their powers. But in this AU they took Chase as their guinea pig. Everyone was worried about him and Marshall went to go find him since Everest, Ryder, Carlos, and Rubble all "failed". (spoiler: They got killed by the scientists-) When he gets there he finds Chase and tries to help him escape. It was very difficult because Chase had become weak because of all of the experiments. They never got out, but something is going to happen and idk if yall will like it or not. There are no ships in this chapter. Marshall and Chase see each other as brothers in everything but blood.
Chase woke up in pain and sat up quickly. He saw all the scientists in front of him smiling, this scared him. He looked around frantically until he felt someone grab his arm and pull him up harshly. They dragged him to a room he wished to never be in again.. The Death Room.. He hated this room, it's where he watched everyone die. Everyone who tried to save him end up in this room.. and they force him to watch their death on a screen and through a window. A window that seems like a mirror on the inside.

They put Chase in a chair and had some guard the doors while others kept an eye on Chase. This was their way of testing their experiments. They turned on the TV and showed the person who took the innocent's lives, they then moved the camera down to show the person pointing a gun at... "M-Marshall..?" Chase whispered as his eyes began to water. Why did they do this to him? What did he do to deserve this? Chase sat there helpless and crying, he hoped with all he was that this was all a bluff and they weren't actually going to kill him. Chase closed his eyes and looked down, he knew they weren't bluffing, it's been like this for months.. hell they even killed their own staff.. yet they all still work here, knowing that one day, they will end up in this same room with the same fate.

He kept his eyes closed until he heard a click and boom. He looked up and refused to look at the TV or even run up to the window, knowing what was already in that room. "No... Tell me he missed.." Chase whispered to himself. One of the scientists heard him and pushed him out of his chair and closer to the window, Chase just sat there, crying even more. He couldn't take this place anymore he needed and wanted to leave. He calmed down a little and sat on his knees/legs, he looked up at the window and saw a little of what he expected. Blood all over the walls and the window, a man looking at you/him with a sinister smile. Chase felt rage build up and started muttering up his breath, he looked down and saw a glow from his hands and watched as it traveled up his arms until it covered his whole body. 

This started making him more confused than angry, when this happened the glow stopped and went away. This got a few whispers and chuckles from the scientists. Chase thought on this strange thing and found his built up rage, letting it take control again. This made the weird glow come back, but it didn't travel from his hands and to the rest of him. He just started to glow a bright blue. Chase stood up and started muttering things under his breath, as he did this some of the scientists started to die while others passed out. The most surprising thing is what happened in the window room. There were a few pounds on the window and yelling before a bang. The scientists watched as the TV screen went black and then went to static before it came back.. What they saw surprised them. Marshall was alive again. But how?

Chase heard the bang and it snapped him out of his state making him stop glowing and calm down. The scientists who were alive quickly took him back to the experiment room and started to fix their mistake. Marshall opened his eyes and regained his vision, "What the fuck..?" he muttered to himself. He looked over in the area of the dead guy and his eyes widened. He looked around and saw a door, he quickly got up and rushed out of the door, leaving it open and running out of the death room.

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