Chapter 1: Isekai'd

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Sorry this took a while, been busy studying for exams and stuff(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Y/n L/n is a 15 year old introverted boy/girl who enjoys watching anime in their free time

Ofcourse, they enjoy all of the anime they've watched but there was one that they really favors

Toilet bound Hanako-kun.

Y/n seems to really loves plot and admires the art.

Well anyways,

Y/n was walking down the sidewalk looking at the new manga book of TBHK they just bought

'I finally had enough money to buy this so I'm quite excited to read this!'

Their thoughts was interrupted by a shout of a woman yelling someone to watch out

Y/n looked over to see a little girl picking up a ball that was in the middle of the road, not noticing a truck that's driving by.

Y/n didn't had any time to react before their legs started moving on their own

Just before the truck crashed into the little girl, Y/n lightly shoved away the girl, taking the hit instead.

Their body flew a bit then crashed back onto the ground.

Multiple screams were heard but Y/n could only hear muffled sounds as black dots clouded their vision

'What a shame, I died at the age of 15? And there was so much that i still wanted to do...'

They closed their eyes

'I'd be kind of funny if I were to suddenly get isekai'd, huh?'

They blacked out fully.


Y/n's POV

Y/n's consciousness was returned to the sound of constant beeping

'What's that noise...? Did I miraculously survived and is now in the hospital?'

"No, unfortunately."

They screamed out of surprise and slight fear and immediately looked around

They noticed that they were in a black void, but they were more focused on finding the mysterious voice that spoke

'Who in the name of mcdingle was that?!'

"Apologies, It was I."

Conflicted, they decided to ask what any normal person would ask.

'Who... are you?'

"I cannot say for now. But all that you need to know is that I am about to transfer your soul into another world."

'Another world? Where, specifically? And where am I anyways?!'

"Where you are doesn't matter. And for your first question, you will know soon. Do not worry, you will know what to do once you get there."

Just from the lack of context, Y/n became slightly panicked and confused

'W-wait! I didn't sign up for this!'

"Oh well, to bad. Your opinion at the moment is irrelevant. Now then,

Good luck"

They weren't able to utter out another word as a bright light covered their vision.


Y/n opened their eyes, using their arms to shield themselves from the sudden sunlight

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