Chapter 2: Befriending a nice lad

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Hanako might be a bit ooc or smth


Y/n's POV:

'Okay! It's the next day now, what to do?'

Y/n still had multiple questions they needed answers for but,

1. They were a ghost so they can't just ask anyone. Not that they expect to get their answers from them anyways.

2. The mysterious voice from last time barely gave them answers, they still didn't know what they should be doing either.

3. Sure there are some certain people that can and might see them, but they might die if they cross paths with the wrong people

So they can't really find anyone that could really help.


Ah, never mind, i guess there is one.

Y/n sighed and turned around to see the same boy they talked to yesterday


Said boy was happily grinning

"We meet again! How do you do?"

Y/n, trying to not act rude like last time decided to answer him

"I'm doing fine i guess..."


Not knowing what to say next,Y/n decided to ask one of the questions that lingered her mind

"By the way, Hanako."


"Why did you decided to talk to me?"

Hanako crossed his arms and hummed

"Why not?"


"Why not?"

"Wh- why though?!"

"Why not?"

Y/n sighed in slight disappointment as Hanako laughed.

"Okay okay! I saw you wandering around the school for quiet awhile yesterday and thought you might be a lost apparition of some sorts!"

"...oh, well I wasn't lost but I have some questions..."

As Y/n said that, they decided to only ask some relatively normal questions for now.

"Well ask away!"

"First, what year is it?"

"I don't know the exact date, but somewhere around June 2013! Or was it July?"

Hanako said thinking, not noticing Y/n's eyes widening in surprise

'2013?! Doesn't the anime start in 2 years then?!'

"I see... and, this is Kamome Academy right?"

"That's right!"


'Should I ask if he's a famous superstition in this school? Obviously not! That'd sound so random!
Then should I- no, that'll be stupid!

I suppose I won't ask him for now then...'

"And last question, what should I do now?"

Hanako blinked at Y/n who was smiling, internally regretting their decision as they sense chaos approaching.

Turns out, they were right when they saw their new friend smirk, mischief in his eyes

'Oh god, what is he gonna do.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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