10:54 PM

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You guessed right

Always been known as the smart one, Sadie

It's what I loved most about you

Zane's lane🖤

You can't be Jayden!

He was kind and sweet and funny...

Shante is bae


what the hell

Marco loco psycho😎

Sadie, are you okay?

Jayden's dead

There's no way that this person is him


If I don't get my answer soon...

I know who my next target will be

Marco started to cry, his sobs gradually getting louder as he tried to breathe. Zane was startled and looked absolutely terrified for his boyfriend. "Marco. Marco, please, calm down. Maybe after this, we can have a sleep over and cuddle. Just please, calm down."

Marco was out of it, though crying as if there was no tomorrow. Maybe, maybe there wasn't a tomorrow anymore. I sat there with silent tears again, seeing my friends in a state of panic and fear. 

"Now, now. This'll all be over once we know the truth, right Zane?" A distorted voice came from the video call. Zane looked at the camera, his eyes blown wide with fear. "Wh-what?" 

"If you had always told the truth, maybe you wouldn't feel so guilty around Marco all the time, right?" The voice continued. Zane shook his head from side to side quickly, already knowing where this was going. "I- please..." He sounded like he was begging for his life. "M-marco, I-I'm so sorry." He too broke down soon afterwards. 

Marco had stopped crying, now sniffling as he looked at the camera in confusion. "What has this... got to do with... me?" He asked in a small voice. He sounded so broken already. Whatever Zane was apologising for was probably about to break him even more.

"Zaney boy, he got himself someone else... who would... what's the word? Yes! Satisfy his needs. Guess you weren't good enough for him." I could hear the shrug in the distorted voice. Marco's eyes were wide at the revelation before he looked at Zane who was staring at something behind him. He got up and went to get something off camera. He came back with a sheet of paper in his hands. 

His face was pale, and he looked on the verge of vomiting whatever he had for dinner. "Zane." It was the first time Marco called Zane anything but 'babe' and 'mine'. Zane looked up, tears streaming down his clean-shaven face. "What's on that paper? Show me." He sounded so serious, and I could see the fear in Zane's eyes. He shook his head quickly, as if whatever was on that page would kill him. Maybe it would.

"Zane. At least you can redeem yourself now by telling me the truth for the first time. Was everything a lie to you?! Oh my god!" Zane shouted. "Show it to me!" He sobbed into his hands, watching as Zane's tears seemed to double and his own sobs sounded. 

"Marco, I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry. For everything. I never wanted it to end like this. Please remember, I love you." Zane turned the paper around and Marco's skin instantly paled. 

'Show this to any one of them and Marco dies.

11:42 PMWhere stories live. Discover now