Prologue ( Rewritten )

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My PoV

Ah. What a good morning. The Sky is blue, the birds are chirping, and I'm winning on my......

Me: You God damn piece of shit! Why do you always do this!?

I take that back. Fucking PS. Pulling out my phone I hopped onto SAO logging in collecting my daily. After that I want to shut it off when I got a message. Welcome Alex. Would you like to begin a Journey of a Life time? Y/N. Confused I shrugged before clicking Yes. Next thing I know a portal appears, sucking me in.

Me: Oh, for fuck sak.....

5 minutes later......

Groaning I opened my eyes sitting up. Doing so I took in my surroundings. I was in the middle of a command bridge. But of what ship I have no clue. Spotting a not with my name on it, I reached over and picked it up. With that done I started reading it.

Me: Dear Alex,
If your reading this, then that means you have woken up. Right now you are standing on your ship the USS Montana. And you are also now the Personification of the USS Montana BB-67. Now the ship itself is not like it was originally designed. I have been generous to give you a more modern version of it. Your location is located just right outside of the Port of Vale. Now you are not alone in this new world. Currently about 42 klicks of your position is the USS Missouri. Now to move your ship you can use Verbal and Mental commands to start moving.- G

Rereading the note I only could wonder who the fuck was G. Ah fuck it.

Me: Aight. Montana head to Missouri's destination at cruising speed and load AP. Don't know if there hostiles.

With that said the ship below me lurched forward causing me to fall on my ass. As I made my way to Missouri I decided to take in the view. The waves where calm despite my ship cruising through them. The moon glowing as beautiful as I usually see it despite it being broken. I really need to find out where I am. Taking a quick look at my radar I saw I had arrived.

Me: Montana blear horn to get there attention if we haven't already.

With that said a loud horn could be heard, which if I saw correctly made the person on Missouri jump falling on there ass.


A\N: Sorry it's short but this is so me and kuweeby2 can progress on for the next chapters

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A\N: Sorry it's short but this is so me and kuweeby2 can progress on for the next chapters. Also let me know what you think.----- This is dieHero out.

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