Future Chapter.

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My PoV

NJ: No!! Don't do it Alex!!!

Smiling sadly, all I could do was shake my head

Me: I'm sorry love. Tell the others that it was a pleasure being there friend.... No their family

NJ: Please don't!!! There has to be another way?!?

Me: There isn't time. Please remember that I will always be in your heart and that I love you.

Before she could say anything else I grabbed her pulling her into a kiss before knocking her unconscious. Sighing sadly I turn to the Orochi. Loading the Mk 23 Katie shell's I ran towards her before her force field could close. Making my way towards the launch room I noticed we all were in the Sirens Sea. Looking towards the others I hailed them on the radio.

Me: To the other ships. This is the USS Montana BB-67 of the United States Navy. I need you to leave the area.

Missouri: Montana? What are you doing?

Me: Ending this once and for all. I am calling to warn you all leave and to say goodbye. I am on the Orochi in the launch room. This will be the last time you see me for along time.

Yamato: Hu? What do you mean?

Mo: I mean I'm sorry for not staying here for y'all and goodbye for now.

With that I fired all my main battery's causing the room to explode. With that done I closed my eyes silently prying for there survival.

The Crew: Alex!!!! No!!!!!!
Mo: Goodbye my family.

You know what I find funny? There's so many good stories where some brave hero has to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors cheer, and everyone lives happily ever after. But the hero never gets to see the ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch. And with that I let the darkness consume me.

In another Universe ( Kantai collection)

??? PoV:

As I was returning to base I noticed a shape in the distance. Going to high alert I walked slowly towards it. When I was near it I realized it was a person. Picking them up I took in there appearance I noticed multiple things. 1: They were male. 2: They wore American clothing. 3: They were armed and injured. Intrigued by them I continued towards base. Taking about 10 minutes I arrived at the base.

Me: Control this is USS Missouri BB-63 returning from patrol with an unknown person.

Control: This is Control. We hear you load and clear. Continue to the equip room before heading to sick bay.

Me: Wilico.

Taking awhile to unequip the rigging I take the unknown person to sick bay. Laying them down on a empty bed I head to the Commanders office. Knocking I entered saluting her.

Commander: At ease. Now tell me about your patrol.

Doing as asked I preceded to tell her about my patrol till reaching the unknown man.

Commander: I see. Then let us see if we can find anything about your mystery person.

Nodding I walked out the room.

Commanders PoV:
Watching the young man across me begin to wake I turned on my camera.

???: Who shot me with there salvo this time. Man what a pounding headache.

Raising an eyebrow at there statement I continued to observe them.

???: Did New Jersey kidnap me again? No she wouldn't leave me untied.

Now I'm definitely intrigued by them.

???: Now we're am I? Last I remember I
blew up the Orochi with me on it.

Ok who are they really? What's this Orochi and when did he blow it up?

Me: Hello.

I watched as they jumped before looking my direction.

???: Hello. Can you tell me where I am?

Me: You are in the sick bay of my base.

Mo: I see. Then I did survive.

Me: Do you mind telling me your name?

???: Sure. My name is the USS Montana BB-67 of the United States Navy, or Alex Orr. Call me whichever. I have recently destroyed the enemy Orochi to save the other nations.

Me: What!?!?

Alex: Hmm. What is it know?

A/N: Let me know what you think kuweeby2. It's for the upcoming chapters.

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