A new friend, meeting Doctor Strange?, and a new Home.( Rewritten)

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My PoV

Laughing I dropped anchor before boarding Missouri's ship. After I boarded it I walked over to Missouri sticking my hand out showing I was friendly.

Me: Evening govnna.

Missouri: Evening sir.

Me: No need for sir, mate. Though may I inquire your name?

Missouri: USS Missouri BB-63 of the Iowa Class Fast Battleship. And you are?

Me: Alex Orr. Also now the USS Montana BB-67 of the Montana Class Super Battleship.

With that said Missouri stiffened, his eyes widening, and his face full of shock.

Missouri: Montana? As in the successor of the Iowa Class?

Me: Yes and no. You see I'm actually just a normal human being, but with the ability to control the Montana.

Missouri: I see. So what do I call you? Alex or Montana?

Me: Either is fine. Now let's head to Port shall we?

Missouri: Indeed. You lead the way. I can tell you know it at least.

Me: Aye. Set speed to 2-6-9 with distance 5-6-0 to the East.

Missouri: Wilico.

With speed and destination set in me and Missouri made our way to Port. As we cruised are way there me and Missouri talked about our lives. Him telling me about his sister's, war stories, and living in Pearl Harbor and me about my family, dreams and anything about him that I knew. We also shared jokes and quotes with each other. I was soon telling him about the Milk Man joke when a Sea Feilong attacked us causing us to get in battle stations.

Missouri: General Quarter's. I repeat General Quarter's. This is not a drill.

Me: Load AP rounds and set elevation to 2-1-0. Fire when ready.

With that said both me and Missouri fired scoring multiple hit but not enough to kill hit. Thinking of away to defeat it I dodged a laser beam from it I was thrown back by it rapping it's tail around my stern .

Missouri: Alex!!! Are you ok!?!?

Me: I'm fine! Just a scratch!

Just then a note fluttered down in front of me. Catching it I read it in my head.

Me: Yell out Montana Engage. It should help you out. Also tell that to Missouri.-G.

Me: Missouri! Yell out Missouri Engage!

Missouri: Affirmative! Missouri Engage!

With that said Missouri's ship started glowing a beautiful Blue and Silver color before breaking up into cubes forming around him in some sort of Rigging.

Missouri: Wah? This is heavy!

Me: I don't care! Start firing at the thing! Montana Engage!

With those words said the ship below me started glowing Blood Red and Dark Black before breaking up into cubes and forming around me. Jumping to the right to avoid being crushed I fired all my guns accidentally hitting Missouri with a stray shell. Good news though is Missouri killed it with a full barge from his right turret. Bad news is he's bleeding from his left.

Me: Good news. The thing is dead. Bad news is I hit you with a shell.

Missouri: Ah, it's nothing to worry about. I can take up to a 18in shell.

Me: That is true. But you can't go up against my rail gun. Now let's get out of here. Radar has picked up incoming planes and I don't know if there hostile or not.

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