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takemichi's waist, that's it.


When the lilac-haired lad heard his phone beep, he was spending a tranquil night, comfy in his own bed, reading a magazine. Before answering the phone, he checked the caller ID. "Hel-" a scream pierced his ears.

"Mitsuya-san! Baji-san and Takemichi, have you seen them? "The other line, evidently panicked, said "Chifuyu? No, I haven't—why? " he inquired, although fully knowing the answer. Kazutora screamed from the opposite side, "THEY'RE FUCKING MISSING!"

"Ah- wait what?" Mitsuya stood up "Yeah, for the past six hours now and we don't have a clue on where they are" Chifuyu uttered, "Did you try and call them?"he inquired, slightly concerned but not overly so.

"Yeah we did but it keeps going to voicemail. The phone is not even ringing" Mitsuya sighs, "I think they're going to be fine, Takemitchy is with Baji" he uttered but as hears a groan on the other line, "That's- THAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM MITSUYA! BAJI IS WITH HIM!" There was a huge thud, and then something came crashing down from the other line.

"Oh shit- Kazutora! Uh...Bye Mitsuya-san!" Chifuyu quickly ended the call, leaving the lilac male dumbfounded. "I'm sure they'll be fine," he muttered to himself before going back to reading his magazine.


"Okay let's think this through" Chifuyu said, trying to calm down the older male. "Oh i swear to god- If Baji did so- urgh !" Kazutora put his hand on his face, frustration spilling on his words. "Baji-san will protect Takemichi if something happens," the young male voiced out.

"I'm not worried about that. Baji should protect Takemitchy at all cost because if he doesn't then OH! i'll fuck him up - but that's not the point right now" he rambled as Chifuyu listens to him, nodding emphatethically.

"Think about it—Chifuyu, they're alone right now. ALONE." Chifuyu stands up from where he was sitting, "How can we be sure they're alone though?" the older male gave him an exasperated look. "You really think Baji would let anyone with Takemitchy alone other than himself?" he said as if it was obvious.

Chifuyu's mouth created an "o" shape, "Shit, you're right" he uttered, making Kazutora scream again, "Let's try and check his house?" He suggested, "No, too obvious," the older male answered, "Mmm, Where would Baji-san take Takemichi..?" he mumbled to himself, "In the Shibuya dumps?" Kazutora turned to him.

"Yeah, let's check there" he stated before dragging Chifuyu by his bike and speeding off to the road. Without knowing that two blond males who happened to be listening to their conversation.

"You didn't tell them?" the taller boy asks and the shorter male shrugs, "Their fault for not listening" he says before walking away, "C'mon Ken-chin, let's eat in that new diner close to here" the commander happily skipped, Draken looked again in the road that Kazutora's bike driven off to, "Yeah, it's their fault" he muttered before following Mikey.

Back to the two boys, they finally arrived at their destination. "Baji loves burning cars around here" Kazutora stated, peeking through every alleyway, "I don't think Takemichi would let him do that" Chifuyu muttered, calling their phones for the nth time today. "I don't think they're around here" the male said, leaning on his bike.

Cheer the f**k up, you beautiful loser ; 𝘣𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘹 𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪Where stories live. Discover now