For them to keep

615 35 39

twisted love at best.

Author's Notes:
hi, so this is the last chapter. not proofread yet. i just wanna say that i know this took too long to post but thank you all for reading and loving this story, i really appreciate all the support. so, i hope you all liked this finale.

just wanna say that this last chapter turned dark, so it probably has a different feel from the last two. i'm warning you now.

check the tags before proceeding.

i hope you all enjoy this!!

reminder: english is not my native language


The room was filled with different kinds of fabrics and varieties of beautiful shining ornaments. Takemichi stayed still as gentle hands measured his arms.

"You're too tense, Takemitchy" Mitsuya said, chuckling as he wrote something down in his notebook after measuring his arms.

The blond gives him a shy smile, "Sorry, Mitsuya-kun. But what's this for again?" he questioned, confused. Mitsuya started to measure around his waist area. "I'm making you something" he briefly responds, his arms circling the boy's waist.

"Why- suddenly?" Takemichi tries to keep a straight face but can't help but blush when Mitsuya keeps accidentally squeezing his waist. The lilac male hummed before answering. "Somebody requested it" he says, "Who?" the taller male leans closer, making Takemichi hold his breath for some reason.

"It's a secret," Mitsuya whispered. "Now be good and stay still," he added.

Takemichi tries to suppress the sudden urge to scream as he intensely stares at the floor like it is the most interesting thing he found. Mitsuya lightly chuckled at his reaction before continuing to measure him. A few hours later, the sun was already setting..

"Alright, I'm done. Thanks Takemitchy" Mitsuya smiled at him.

Someone knocked on the door before opening it, "You done Mitsuya?" Baji said, with Kazutora and Chifuyu following behind him. "Yeah, you guys came in time" Mitsuya said before noticing, Kazutora was already sliding his arm on the blond's waist and Chifuyu was holding his hand.

"You guys can take Takemitchy now. I'm sure you guys waited a long time for him" Mitsuya mutters, giving Baji a crooked grin. The ravennette looks at him with a dangerous glint, "Well you know us. We really need Mitchy" Baji said in a condescending tone, before walking up to the smaller male, ruffling his hair.

"C'mon, we gotta leave"

"Oh, alright. See you, Mitsuya-kun!" Takemichi waved at him before leaving his place. Mitusuya is left standing there by his desk, sighing, "Sometimes i wonder how oblivious Takemitchy is" he mumbled to himself, a small grin on his face before getting back to work.


Lately, Takemichi has been noticing that the trio seems to be a bit touchy. Sure, they were clingy before but he noticed that it's gotten more and more excessive. He usually won't mind it but it's getting kind of annoying the more they do it.

He also noticed that they're spoiling him. Even the simplest things, they would try and do it for him. Takemichi is getting really irritated at that, he feels like he's a burden to Baji's division. And so, he tries to speak to someone with it.

Cheer the f**k up, you beautiful loser ; 𝘣𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘹 𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪Where stories live. Discover now