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Gerald's Pov 

"Your father is requesting your presence," Paula said as she walked towards the bed and placed her hand on my knee. I caught a glimpse of her smile as I groaned.

My father was over seventy years old, yet he followed me around like he was in his twenties. I know exactly what he wants: to nag and yell at me for how much of a failure I am turning out now that I don't take my education seriously. Our conversations have practically been the same over the past five years.

"You are nothing but a disgrace, Gerald."

"How can I hand over my life's work to you if you don't know anything, Gerald?"

"You're such a failure Gerald."

"Your mother would be so disappointed, Gerald."

"Gerald, you'll never get into Havard like this."

"You need to become more serious with your life, Gerald."

God, are all old people like this? Or am I just unfortunate?

"Well, his request is denied," I answered, leaning towards the table to grab my phone. I could feel her eyes on me as I scrolled through the device. She could read me like a book. What would you expect from someone that has been by your side for ten years?

She was my best friend, despite the fact that she was ten years older than me. I was only eight years old when my father hired her to be my personal bodyguard. She was only eighteen back then, but she was the best of the best. During my first eight years on Earth, all my bodyguards dropped like flies thanks to my dad's numerous enemies.

She's the only one that has ever lasted this long—ten years and counting.

I wish I could see her as a mother because I don't have one, but mothers don't like seeing their sons buried deep inside random whores. No, Paula was more of an older sister; a wild, overprotective, and incredibly scary older sister.

She was the only thing in this life for which I was truly grateful.

I'm sure you think I am bluffing because how can she be the only thing I am grateful for, especially being the son of a billionaire?

I'm just going to put it in the simplest way possible.

I hate my father.

And so does the whole world. He might as well be the most hated man on earth. He was the CEO of a very famous car brand called Groovies. It was one of the most slick cars to ever exist. Fast, sexy, and with a rich interior that comes with amazing features. It was one of my favorite cars, to be honest. Sadly, it was the world's as well. He might as well be second to Elon Musk.

Anyway, that's not why he's hated.

He is hated because he is a rapist.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, as embarrassing as it may be, my father is a rapist. Go ahead and hate me just like the rest of the world, just because I share the same blood that flows through the veins of that monster.

I'd like to think he was sorry and occasionally I do. But the damage had already been done. Why did he have to be such a reckless teenager back then? Now the blood of many is on his hands, and mine will soon be.

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