Flight's delayed, and motel stays

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Squid POV
Did I just hear what I think I heard?!?! We have a chance of crashing?!?! I am freaking out right now... What am I going to do... Is this really the end?

"Squid!!! Did she just say that we have a chance of crashing?" Amy stuttered. She took my hand and squeezed it so tightly that I would've been in pain if we weren't about to just crash...
"Uhh..." I couldn't contain myself to tell her the truth. "Please tell me that we're not! We'll be fine, right?" She freaked out.

"Here, take deep breaths, in and out." I suggested. "We don't have time for that! We're about to crash! We could just crash at any second now..." She cryed.

"Hey, shh your girlfriend, she's making the situation even worse..." The man practically screamed at me.

How was I suppost to calm her down, when I couldn't even calm myself down?!?! "Don't talk to us!!!" I fought back. "Yea, I would, if you'd all just be quiet!" He said back, then turned to his friends and smirked.

All of a sudden the plane turned at a very high angle, we all even had to hold on tight to our seats to stay in place. "Squid! If these are our last moments, then I just want you too know that I love you!" Amy cryed, as the plane this time turned on the other side. "I love you too!" I cryed back.

"Attension passengers, we have just been informed by the pilot that the storm will be over shortly, and until then we must make a stop. We have found out that there is indeed a place to stop, so that's what's going to happen. The plane will be flying again tomorrow. We will be landing in 10 minutes, so please be prepared. Thank you." Then the intercom went off.

"A stop! Yes! So we won't crash! Wait... We have to go on this plane tomorrow... What if- if..." Amy started crying and I pulled her into a hug, so that I could calm her down. "It's better that we stop. We'll be in Mexico tomorrow. It'll be alright, ok?" "Ok." She answered.

10 minutes later...

The plane came to a stop somewhere on the way to Mexico, but it'll be alright, we'll be there tomorrow. We all got a small motel, so we could spend the night, it was alright, but it was so small that the nine of us had to share a room that had one bathroom and barely any space...

"I am not getting back on that plane, or any other plane ever! As a matter of fact! I'm terrified, that was such a horrible expericene, it made me scared of planes now! How am going to get to Mecico, and back home?" Amy shrieked. "Amy, I know. Trust me, we were all terrified, but we have to get back on that plane... Don't you want to go to Mexico and have a great vacation. I promise that it'll be worth it, I'll make it the best vacation ever!" I explained, while wrapping my arms around her, to comfort her. She inmediently started crying and we pulled into a hug. "You promise?" She asked. I looked into her eyes and wiped away her tears. "I promise that I'll do the best I can." I lifted my hand and put it in her chin, so that she'd look back up at me. Her eyes meet mine and she began to smile. "See! Your smiling! Now that's the Amy I know and love!" I smiled back. "And there's the Squid I know and love, who's always laughing, smiling, and joking around!" She giggled. "Come here my little mermaid!" I cheekily said as I pressed my lips against hers.

"Really guys? There are all nine of us here, in this tiny room! Can't you save it for later?" Lee laughed.

I pulled away and gave him a glare. "No Lee! We won't! Just grow up, ok?" I laughed, as Amy playfully punched my shoulder. "Squid!" I turned my attention back to Amy and asked. "Is that what I get? A punch? Because I organized us all a trip to Mexico?" I joked. "No... That's what you get for talking to Lee like that!" Amy giggled. "Ooh..." Lee chimed back in. "Can't I get something else? Like another kiss?" I blushed. "Oh no! It's happening again!" Lee joked, as everyone started rolling on the floor, laughing at his comment. "Of course you can!" Amy said as we pressed our lips together. "Ok... Now your just trying to make me miserable!" Lee joked yet again.

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