Mistakes at the beach.

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Once I finished changing, I came downstairs to see Squid and Stampy talking and laughing. As I came towards them, mine and Stampy's eyes met.

I quickly turned away, as I didn't know what else to do...

I don't know what got over me, I have no idea of who to chose... Of who I want to be with. Who I need in my life...

"I'm ready!" I cheered, with a fake smile, as I walked down the stairs.  "Great! How about you Stampy? You go get ready, ok? We'll wait here." Squid suggested. "Ok." He answered, as he made his way to the door. "I'll walk you out." I told him. "Thanks." Stampy replied, and I don't know if it was just me, or did I really just see him blush?

Once we got to the door, he whispered "Keep it a secret... and just forget about it... Your obviously happy with Squid..." He then walked out the door to get ready, leaving me unable to answer back.

"I love you Amy. I just want you to know that." Squid told me, as he took his hands into mine. "I love you too..." I answered as I looked around the room we were currently in. "Hey, at least look at me!" Squid laughed, as I turned back to face him. But as I did that...

Our foreheads touched, leaving our lips only an inch away from each others.

I'd usually be tempted to kiss him...

But this time...

I couldn't bring myself to do so...

Me and Stampy kissed, and now I feel really guilty...


And confused...

He leaned in, but before our lips pressed against each others...

I pulled away, leaving him with confusion...

"Why'd you pull away? Is something bothering you? You know that you can tell me anything, right?" He asked. "It's just that..." I began to cry. "Yeah?" "I-I...I, I can't tell you, I just can't!" I cried as I walked out of the room. I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist, Squid...

I turned to face him again, but before I could say anything, we pulled into a hug...

"It'll be alright Amy... Hey? When your ready to tell me what's been bothering you, I'll be right here. I'll always be." Squid said as he wiped some of the tears, that were forming in my eyes, away. "Thanks." I said as me and him pulled into another hug.

We pulled away and I felt a flash of guilt come over me. Like an oceans wave when there's a storm...

"Do you still want to go to the beach? Me and you could spend the day here, if you want that is." Squid suggested. "No, that's alright. I'll be fine. Ready to go?" I asked. "Yep!" Squid cheered. "Are you sure? Cause you seem quite upset." Squid said. "I'm fine..." I answered in return.

We made our way to the front of the resort, that was where we decided to meet everyone.

We came there, and saw that everyone was already there, except for Sqaishey and Stampy.

"Where's Stampy and Sqaishey?" I asked, as they were usually the first ones to get somewhere. "I don't know, let's wait another minute or two, if they don't come then, then someone needs to go to their room and get them. Ok?" Netty replied. "Yep!" I answered.

We waited around another minute, and sure enough, they were here.

"Sorry we're late!" Stampy said as he and Sqaishey ran towards us all. "No problem!" Tomohawk laughed. "Thanks!" Sqaishey giggled.

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