Q&A + AN

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So many questions have come in, not only for me but for my characters. So let's dive in!

So someone asked Me,

"So I know before this was an OC story, why'd you change it to a Reader?"

Well it still is basically an OC story but I felt like I'd give people to option to either make themselves be the character or my character who's intended for this. 

So know questions for the characters!

"Hey Kingsley have you met Devil yet?"

"The devil? Yet? Ashton? These people are confusing me. Not to mention where are the voices coming from? Why am I over thinking this? They said the devil." Kingsley dragged Ashton over.

"Eh, don't listen Kingsley... The devil ain't real."

"Hey Alex, do you like Dice?" This was when the reader was an oc, I'll include info next chapter too.

"Oh course I do! He's amazing..." Alexander's tail wagged as he swooned.

"He totally wants to bang him!" Ashton yelled from the couch.

"Ashton do you regret ever starting to smoke?"

"Why would I? Rather me kill myself?" Ashton scroffed.

Welp that's all at the moment!

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