Fourty-Three || Green Day Is Kickass

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|| Green Day Is Kickass

"Dinner, tonight?"

The walls of BHHS felt like they were collapsing in, but it often felt like that at every moment until the last bell on Friday.

Thankfully as Stiles came up behind Jacy at her locker and wrapped his arms around her waist, they'd reached that time of day.

"I can't." Jacy turned her head, kissing his cheek in greeting. "I promised Jordan I'd go to his place to make dinner. I'm sorry."

Stiles grumbled but held a joking tone in it. "Well damn. I can't compete with Big Parrish."

Jacy laughed, putting her bag over her shoulder before shutting her locker. "Big Parrish?"

"Yeah." Stiles went to her side as they headed down the hall. "You're Little Parrish, Jordan is Big Parrish."

She only smiled, not saying how a few nights ago Peter had called her the same thing. "Well, how about this weekend? Any plans?"

"I think Scott and I were going to practice for lacrosse since it starts next week, but Scott can't really calm down right now so that'll probably fall through."

"Because Kate's still on the loose, right?" Jacy looked up, Stiles still taller than her despite her H&M ankle boots. "If Scott's on edge, I can't imagine how Derek is handling."

"I doubt well," he remarked, glancing around the parking lot crowded with people. They stopped next to Jacy's Honda, her spot prime. "I'll text you later. We'll figure something out for tomorrow. Sound good?"

"Sounds great." Jacy went up on her toes, kissing Stiles. "I'll text you during my break," she told him before stealing another kiss.

Stiles was grinning like an idiot, moving his hands to his pockets. "I love you."

Jacy smiled, opening her front door, a foot in already. "I love you, too."

"Enjoy Crazy Darren." He shot her a wink, not heading for his Jeep until he saw her laugh.

She shook her head, clicking her seat belt into place before shifting gears and backing out. She joined the line of cars, able to put in her Pretty Odd cd in the time it took for her to actually get off school grounds.

Jacy ran a hand through her hair, able to drive with one easily. She hummed along to The Green Gentleman, leaving Beacon Hills.

There were few things that could make Jacy completely calm. Panic! At The Disco was one of them, even as ironic as it sounded.

"Oo I love this song."

Jacy didn't even jump, a soft smile coming across her face. "Hey, Al."

"How was school?" Allison put her feet up on the dashboard of her Honda.

"Good I guess. It's school," Jacy replied, stopping her car at a streetlight.

"Fair enough," she said, poking the volume up a little higher. "So, work on a Friday. How awful."

"No kidding." Jacy lifted her foot, moving it over to the gas when the light went green. "But I'm making up for the days I was in the hospital."

"Jacy, why do you work?" Allison asked after a few moments, her head leaned back on the rest as she looked over at her.

"I don't want to turn out like those asshole kids who rely on their parents. I refuse to be a trust fund baby," Jacy explained to Allison without looking to her. "I'm fine with working. It'll help me later in life."

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