Sixty-Six || Honey, Honey

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|| Honey, Honey

Chris Argent made his way through the abandoned industrial building that used to house the epicenter of Argent Arms.

Cloudy tarps waved around limply, a breeze tousling the hundreds of loose papers littering the concrete ground.

Armed with a military assault rifle, he tossed down his dufflebag and set the gun aside. He opened a cover pad for a safe, removing a key from his pocket. Chris put in the key, poking in the code before twisting it.

The door clicked free, Chris the only one in the world that could possibly open it.

Chris removed a large plant of yellow wolfsbane from his bag carefully and laid it within the safe. He shut the door and its cover, the small vault secured. His blue eyes shifted to his left, coming across wet boot prints that didn't belong to him.

The left hand still clad with a wedding band reached out, Chris picking up his rifle and standing with caution in his eyes.

He silently followed the tracks, the gun aimed at the level of his eye. He gripped the trigger, able to make out shadows from behind a tarp ahead of him.

There was a soft ping, a sharpened metallic rod ripping through the tarp and knocking Chris' gun from his hands.

Argent whipped around, pulling a pistol from the band of his jeans and turning. About to pull the trigger, a teen with bared fangs roared in his face.

"Wait! Wait!" Scott ran out from behind a tarp, holding out a hand. "Brett! This is his place. It's his."

Brett Talbot, Devenford Prep's lacrosse captain, backed off, returning to the remainder of his pack behind Scott and Kira.

"Scott..." Chris walked closer to the alpha, "if you're bringing guests, you could have called."

"I, I didn't have anywhere else to take them."

Satomi, wise in age and baring blood on her cheek, stepped out. "I know this man. He may not remember, but we've met before."

"You can trust him," Scott assured. "I trust him."

Satomi warily looked to Scott, "How do we know he's not like the others?"

Argent glanced from Scott to Satomi, "What others?"

"Last night," said Kira as she stood by Scott's side, "there was a whole team after them. And," she held out an arrow to the hunter, "they used crossbows."

Chris took the arrow, turning it over to evaluate the emblem on the titanium arrowhead.

Scott watched Chris, noticing the recognization on his face. "They're not hunters, are they?"

Argent looked up to the wolf, "Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore."

Brett kept an eye on Chris, "Can they find us?"

"They might already know you're here," Argent told them. "Maybe they're waiting for dark."

"So we're not safe here?" asked Kira.

"We're not safe anywhere," retorted Satomi. "We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us."

"If they're coming, Scott," Chris said with a lowered voice, "they're coming for you too. You're still number two on the deadpool."

"I know," replied Scott. "I know Lydia can get the answer from Meredith. She just needs more time."

Chris knew what he had to do, "Then that's what she'll get."

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