Three || Ghost Lessons

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|| Ghost Lessons

     Paradise Records in Devenford township was home to the failing physical musical industry, aisles lined with records and cassettes, gear for every instrument available for purchase.

     From behind the checkout counter at the back of the store, Jacy bagged up two CDs and a vinyl before holding them out to the scraggly customer that had been nothing but nice. "Have a great day."

     "Good work, Jacy," Darren said, patting her shoulder, his titanium ring cold through her shirt.

     Jacy smiled a little, throwing away the receipt the customer didn't want.

     Darren, an ex-punk rocker with tattoos and spiked up hair despite his age, went around to the front of the counter and pulled himself up to sit on it. "You are by far my best worker here."

     "Darren, I'm the only worker you have," Jacy replied, braiding her hair to the side and letting it fall as she went to go fix the vinyls.

     "Exactly. You even surpass me in work ethic." Darren rested back on his palms, disruppting the guitar pick pyramid on the glass counter.

     "Anything new you're going to play for me?" Jacy pulled the crate from below the record display, replacing the Cage The Elephant LP that the most recent customer had just bought.

     "Nah," Darren shrugged, "haven't been feeling it lately."

     "Have you channeled all of your inner emotions into it?" Jacy asked more sarcastically than it sounded. She put the crate back under and adjusted the records on the shelf so they were lined up perfectly.

     "I can't believe you work here."

     "Jesus Christ!" Jacy jumped, nearly falling back into the drumsticks.

     "You're right!" Darren excitedly lept off of the counter. "I'll go to the amazing man upstairs for help!" He ran off to his office that did in fact have an alter.

     Jacy looked to Stiles, laughing at Darren's misunderstanding. "Hi."

     "Hi," Stiles greeted, an amused look on his face. "You really work here?"

     "What's wrong with it?" Jacy asked, walking across the small store to fix the electric guitars on the display wall.

     "Crazy Darren is your boss." Stiles pointed towards the way he'd run off. "He's so crazy that he's well known in Beacon Hills."

     "We're not that far from town, so I'm not that surprised," Jacy replied, moving one of the minature amps that had gotten bumped. "How did you find me, anyways?"

     "I was kind of curious myself about that." Stiles rubbed the back of his neck, "Not sure how it happened, but I was wondering where you'd be and-"

     "You showed up here?" Jacy nodded a little, "Yeah, that can happen."

     "So, I seriously have all the ghostly powers? Like walking through walls?" Stiles grinned deviously, "Can I put on clothes and freak people out because they only see floating clothes?"

     "Stiles, you're wearing clothes. You're a spirit, not the Invisible Woman from Fantastic Four."

     "Jacy, who are you talking to?" Darren asked, poking his head around the corner with wild eyes.

     "I'm praying, just like you should be, Darren!" Jacy put her palms together infront of her.

     "You always know what's up, kid," Darren said, pointing at the brunette. "Love you for that." He winked, disappearing back to his office sanctuary.

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