Set The World On Fire

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They were finally ready to release "Fallen Angels," and Andy couldn't be more relieved.

Things had changed in the few weeks since the Golden Gods. They'd never spoken the words aloud, but each of them knew by now that the others all loved him, and though the difference was subtle, they could all feel it. There was also the matter that physical affection now included light kisses, something none of them complained about. It felt natural, but also a little strange after so long keeping their feelings hidden.

Despite this newfound aspect of peace, the stress of having the album almost complete and the release date approaching was starting to get to Andy again. He'd contacted Pat Fogarty about a week after the Golden Gods to set up a couple of dates to film the music video, and reached out to Richard Villa III again for the single's cover art, and now the day was here and Andy was glad, because it meant a little of the stress could be taken off.

CC wandered over to where Andy sat staring at his computer, checking Spotify every couple of minutes to see if the single had been released yet. Jason Flom had told him the executives at Lava Records would handle it, but he hadn't said when, and the waiting was killing him.

"Andy," the human said from behind him. Andy didn't look away from the computer screen.

"Andy." Again, Andy didn't give a response.

"Aaandy." Nothing. He only reacted when CC draped himself over the back of the couch just to wrap his arms around the distracted singer.


CC chuckled in his ear as Andy tilted his head back to look at the drummer. "Dude, you've been staring at the computer for an hour. Just let it be. You can check again tonight."

"I don't want to miss it," Andy said anxiously.

CC kissed him upside-down. "Turn it off, man. You need a distraction."

"Like what?" Andy asked.

"Come with us," said Jake, striding into the room with Jinxx at his heels, "and find out."

Andy raised an eyebrow, only mildly surprised that this had been planned. "You're all in on this?"

"Of course we are," Jinxx said. "It's not like it's anything exciting, really. We'll check back tonight to make sure it really released, but in the meantime you need to step away from the computer and relax."

"Come on, Andy," CC said. "Please?"

Andy looked around at each of them, then sighed and resolutely shut his laptop. Jake smiled and came over to help haul him to his feet, not letting go of his hand as he led Andy towards the door.

"Oh, gods," Andy said. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Jinxx said mysteriously, with a smile over his shoulder at Andy as he led the way to the car.

CC fell into step on Andy's other side and clung to his arm as they walked. Andy smiled at him, despite himself; it was hard to remain focused on the impending release of "Fallen Angels" when the human was nearby. He'd become quite clingy since the Golden Gods, and Andy couldn't say he minded.

Still, Jake and CC had to all but force Andy to get in the car. "Come on, Andy," Jake insisted, his exasperated tone ending in a laugh. "Gods, I forgot how stubborn you can be."

Somewhat reluctantly, Andy slid into the car. "How'd you forget?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't exactly make anything easy on you guys."

Jake laughed and kissed him lightly. "I'm teasing you, Andy."


CC climbed in on Andy's other side. "It's okay to leave the computer behind, man," he said. "It'll still be there when we get back."

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