《Chapter 3: Friends?》

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"The battle sequence was so awesome!!! But we know who would win in the end..."

"Goku!!!" We both shouted.

"Gasp! You think the same too?!?!?" I exclaimed, it was surprising that he agreed.

"You totally look like a Naruto fan... no offense."

No offense my ass!! Its not my fault I was a Naruto fan until middle school... or maybe high school.

I remember when I used to wear my Naruto jacket and run around like Naruto, I thought I was so popular. turns out everyone hated me.

Once I karate chopped a kids neck, expecting him to pass out. He didn't.

"Shadow, I didn't expect you to also like Goku!!!"

"You wouldn't get it Sonic, Goku is better than the entirety of Naruto." I nodded in agreement, finally someone who understands!!

"Well, Shadow, I think its time for you to leave. Its already 8 in the morning." I said, even though I would be sad for him to leave.

"Are you sure you want me to leave, you look visibly sad about it." He chuckled.

"No way!!! You're just imagining things, im just sad about my girlfriend."

"And im sad about leaving that karaoke party, didn't you hit on me there??" Oh shit I totally forgot!

"Its because this girl brainwashed me to!" I spat out quickly.


"This girl named Sasha, but I'm not sure if that was her real name." I muttered.

"Yeah, I've never heard of that person before. Maybe they snuck in??" He raised his eyebrow.

"Just get out of here, Shadow!" I couldn't talk to him any longer, for some reason it made me nervous, like I was gasping for air.

"Are you okay Sonic? You seem a little crazy." He snapped his fingers and I snapped back to reality. (Oops there goes gravity.)

"I'm fine, really. I think I might be caught your illness." I sighed, I should just kick him out.

"Or did you catch feelings, Sonic?" I slowly looked at him with a disgusted look.

"Ew, no way. I only like girls, even if you were a girl id still hate you!!!!" I mumbled.

"I thought we established an understanding, well I guess you're right, I better get going now." He got up and grabbed his bag.

"See you, Sonic." I waved as he left, dazed by what he asked me. Of course I didn't catch feelings thats ridiculous!

I sighed and looked at the time.

"Good thing its a weekend.."


"He-hey sonic~! Did you fun at karaoke?" A girl said, running towards me.

"Oh, yeah it was fun.. but it was better to hang out with that Shadow dude.."
She pouted and held my hand.

"You didn't have fun with us?? Do you like Shadow more??" The girl cried.

"I do prefer to hang out with him than you guys." The girl let go of my hand and looked up at me.

"Sonic... I didn't know you swung... that way..." she had a cold expression on her face.

"I need to spread this around school!!!" She said yippie and went off to tell her girlfriends what happened.

"Now just wait a second..! You're misunderstanding!!" But it was too late the girls were giggling and the boys were tripping me in class.

"Sonic, I hope you don't like me..! That would be really awkward." Knuckles chuckled.

"I'm not gay guys!!! Why do you want me to be gay so badly?!?!" I was pissed, all day long I've been ridiculed.

"I don't know, maybe its because you act gay!" Silver said in between bites.

"Cmon guys, knock it off!! Its not funny.. just because I hit on a guy once, it doesn't mean anything!!"

They looked back at me like I said something wrong.

"Sonic.. I didn't hear anything about that, just that you liked another popular guy." I could feel my face go red... does the universe want me to be gay?!?!

Has god already chosen this path for me?!?! I sighed and leaned back in my chair, I didn't care anymore.

"Hey guys!! Look out the window!! I think that's Shadow!" I spun my head around to face the window.

"Where?!?!" They all starting snickering until they started to go into manic laughter.

"I DIDNT THINK HE WOULD FALL FOR THAT!!! WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!" Silver hit the desk with his fist.

"That was not funny."

"You're only saying that because you're the one that's getting laughed at." Knuckles said, I guess he's right.

"Whatever! Im skipping class!!" I stood up and grabbed my backpack.

"Cmon Sonic, take a joke once in a while!!" I scoffed as I walked out the classroom.

I decided I was going to leave school all together and go to another school, gotta go fast high school. Our rival school.. but its the one Shadow goes to.

《At Shadows school》

"Alright..." I huffed, climbing into a window of an empty classroom. My feet hit the wood floor, and I closed the window.

"Man... we can probably skip here, no one will see us." I gasped as I heard voices coming near, I gotta hide!

I quickly scanned the room for anywhere to hide and decided to hide in a closet. I heard the door open as I caught my breath.

"Does no one come in here?"

"Not that I know of..."

I was almost caught.. I wouldn't have an excuse for sneaking into another school would I? Suddenly a light flashed in my face.

"Wha- Sonic?!?!"

"Shadow??" I was so shocked I almost forgot to whisper.

"Why are you here?!?!" He said, his eyes concerned.

"Well I don't know, I guess I just felt like seeing you." He sighed and turned off the flashlight.

"You could've waited until after school.. but of course you're impatient. Like always." Then I just remembered something.

"Oh right! My first reason for coming here was to warn you!! People might start calling you gay."

"What?? Why would people call me gay?!" I sighed and decided to explain what happened to me at school.

"You said.. WHAT?!?! Obviously people are gonna take that the wrong way!! Its weird thst you'd rather hang out with a guy than a girl." He scolded me.

"I gotta say the truth Shadow!! Bros before hoes!" I chuckled awkwardly.

"Whatever Sonic."

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