Chapter Two

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Bryce stood on the field bantering with his friends getting all sorts of ribbing about the freak girl.

He laughed and joked with them, not really caring one way or another, when he caught the blue stain on his hand.

He had tried to wash it off, but it just smudged instead, he still couldn’t believe she wrote on his hand like that.

He looked over at the girls running the track and spotted Emmy and smiled.

He was still giving her time and space out of respect for Jack, besides he needed it too.

He saw the way lately she looked at him, he liked it but the pain of Jack’s death still felt to raw for both of them.

It was as if Jack was still here with them and these new developing feelings for her felt wrong somehow.

Emmy wasn’t hard to miss with her long red hair like fire in the sun, Jack really loved her, called her his Phoenix.

Bryce forcibly pushed the memory away, it would only bring the past back. Because he hated to admit he still missed Jack but he still felt betrayed by his death. 

Then his eye caught something in back of Emmy,  distracted him, from the inner issues, Freak girl was running with her entire body covered in sweats even though it was seventy degrees out.

What was up with that? And he though he had issue's.

Talk around school said she had the ugliest body and wanted to hide it.

From what Emmy told him she never showered or changed in front of them after gym.

So how could any of them know, really? Why did he care really?

Just then she ran past them all taking the lead and was doing great till Jena threw a volley ball at her from the sideline and she went down hard.

Jimmy suddenly jumped on his back pounding his shoulder, “did you see that,  . . .freak girl went down! Borah, score!” He was jumping up and down hysterical over it.

“That’s my girl!” He shouted across the field to Jena who smiled in return waving proudly.

Annoyed with Jimmy, because it was getting redudant Bryce instead watched as Freak girl picked herself up and began to run again, but this time not so fast, allowing Emmy and her girls to go first.

After school he went straight to football practice with the guys totally disregarding Freak girls blue message.

She had spotted King Kong and the knuckle daggers and was choosing to ignore them when she felt the ball slam into her and she went down hard.

Amber really hated them all in that moment of her humiliation as she felt the fresh rush of pain in her wrist and dirt in her mouth. This was getting ridiculous as unshed tears glogged her vision.

Gingerly picking herself up she waited as Emma and her barbie squad ran past wanting so badly to flip them off, instead she balled her hands into fist at her side just in case.

Later Amber sat alone at the table with at least thirty books scattered around her on different subjects.

Only one book in particular grabbed her attention on the famous fictitious Mr. Sherlock Holmes created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Time slipped by when she heard her name being called repeatedly, scarcely peeking up at the librarian Amber noticed the time on the clock behind her and panicked.

The scattered books laid open unwanted as she scrambled to gathered her things and checking out the intended book.

Amber ran as fast as she could to her bike.

Stopping short her shoulders slumped as she cursed under her breath, for her tires yet again had been drained of air.

Taking a deep breath she hiked her book bag on more securely to her shoulder, she began to run. Her bike would have to wait, getting home was more important, it was getting late and she would pay a price for that.

Amber was on her block pounding the pavement when a red jeep turned the corner, bringing the loud music  with it.

Then came the familiar shouts out at her, “Run freak girl, run!”  as they slowed down to match her speed.

“What no bike today freak girl?”

Their taunts sang down at her, as she ignored their ploy to distract her. Jimmy made a rude hand gesture that had her spitting mad.

Several of her neighbor’s working in their yards witnessed what just went down and it would most definately get back to her parents. 

She watched and as if in slow motion, she caught Bryce unaware by looking straight at him, his surprised expression was almost comical as he stared directly into her uncovered face.

The jeep swerved and the guys’ attention was shifted away from her, but she didn’t miss a step and kept right on going. Her inner smile felt good.

Bryce’s hands shook on the wheel as he gripped it tightly, had he seen what he thought he saw? The freak girl wasn’t so freaky!

He convinced himself it was the lighting, it had to be, yet her eyes registered blue and piercing in a very petite structure.

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