Chapter 12 Game Move!

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chapter 12                            

One more friggin hour left, and naturally it ticked away one irritating tock at a time. Grrr. So to make the time pass I sat there contemplating all the different scenario’s my step dad was going to do to me.  They all pretty much ended up with him winning.

Did she have the worst luck in the world or what!

Bored with that I peeked over at Bryce who happen to be starring at me with this condemnation expression of judgement. My ire went flaming to it’s limit. Who did he think he was?

I didn’t see him standing up to Jimmy, all he did was flap his lips with some empty words then did what he was told.  I began to write a single word down on paper of what I thought about him.

Then out of the blue a flash of justice hit me, oh boy Bryce, have no idea what you just opened up.

GAME is so on!

I would give him exactly what he thought I was. I played the scene out in my head in a thousand different ways before I acted on it. So with a rush of adrenlyn and one big deep breath I was ready.

I waited till three minuets of what was left of the class, popped a breath mint, and stood up. without looking at anyone headed straight to the front walking with a swish of my butt. I pasted the BB’s confused look as well as the teacher’s.

“Amber can I help you,” Mr Dryas the sub asked.

Blocking him out I kept on going. The looks I received on the few guys I passed told me I was getting an A. I stopped at the desk of one Bryce Downing who was wearing a questioning expression.

Before I made my move I glanced over at Emma two rows away whose dark eyes went to slits. She knew.

And before I lost my nerve I bent in close with a dramatic flare, making sure he had full view of the top of my cleavage. Yup he peeked, good boy.

“Amber please you must take your seat,” the teacher insisted. Ignoring.

Going in real close to a now flushed face Bryce, I ran my finger ever so softly down the side of his cheek, puckering my lips provocatively at him. Exhaling I let my cool minty breath blow in his face watching as his eyes went round with alarm.

Closing my eyes briefly in a suggestive way saying I was turned on by his touch and put that finger in my mouth. I withdrew it ever so slowly purposely making a sucking sound and in the best sexy voice I could achieve told him,

“oh, Bryce you taste sooo yummy!”

The whole room was in total silence you could’ve heard a feather drop. It was the first time I spoke out loud.

Then I placed my wet finger on his lips to drag it down his slightly open flannel shirt.

I thought the boy behind him was going to explode a gasket.

I straightened just as the bell rang, with everyone’s shocked attention on me I dramatically cupped myself. No one moved not even the teacher.

And in one movement pushed up adjusted myself and shoulders, giving a visible shuddered.

I forced a satisfied smile on, proceeding to walk like a victoria model out of the classroom.

Pausing before the door I took a deep breath, gave a myself a micro pep talk. Then turned back at a still stunned Bryce looked him straight in the eyes to give him a Britney move. Leaning forward with enough shoulder and placing one hand suggestively in the right spot on the skirt and using the other blew him a teasing kiss suggesting a promise.

I couldn’t look back at his reaction or my act would unravel, so I just left walking down the hall as if I owned  it.   

I heard whistles and shouts after me, some one yelled out,

‘She spoke.’

‘Oh my god did you see that.’

‘Best class ever.’

Bryce stood slowly his head reeling, her peppermint smell still lingering in him.

Someone smacked his shoulder,

“way to go dude.”

“Why do all the football guys get the good ones?” some else said in passing.

“I saw you watching Tony,” Lucy Hills snapped at her boyfriend.

“Hard not to,” Tony replied.

why did she break her silence like that? Just to make what point? Bryce contemplated as he gathering his book. Then he saw it in the top of his tee shirt pocket, there it was a piece of paper. He reached in and opened the small piece of paper.

There in purple marker was one word,


He crumbled the paper and threw it at the wall cursing under his breath. 

Those words cut to the bone because she was right and he resented her for it.

******Ok i know it wasn't a long chapter but what do you think?????? What would you do if you were Bryce? And whould you have the nerve to do what Amber did?******* 

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