Chapter 1: Year: 2015

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"Pheobe! You missed the bus! Get going!!" Her abusive father shouts out and she yelps, getting up quickly, quickly pulling on a pink turtle neck dress, her Queen backpack, and her shoes on. She runs fast downstairs and out the house, panting quickly. Her tail behind her swished quickly and her ears twitched. Some stuff dropped from her backpack as she ran across the street, until she looked up, and saw a car rushing up, but they slammed on the break. She was still hit though.

Year: 1980 POV: Pheobe's

"Ow..." I hummed, blinking. I saw my stuff scattered around and my backpack beside be, and I suddenly see some shadow over me. "Holy shit, you hit someone!" I heard a British voice exclaim. It sounded familiar. My sight was still a little fuzzy. I then heard another. "Well don't just leave the poor darling there! Check if she's alive Roger!" He says and I blinked more, sitting up. "Oh thank god! See, this is why I don't drive!" The second man says, sighing and walking over to me. He crouched down, looking at me as my vision fixes itself and I widen my eyes. "Are you alright darling? I'm sorry I hit you. My friend was trying to teach me to drive." He chuckles.

His hair was slicked back, and his bushy mustache looked very well done. His teeth when he spoke glittered in the sunlight. "Yeah....I'm alright, uh..." "You can call me Freddie darling!" He says, chuckling softly. I gasped and smiled brightly. "F-Freddie? As in......Freddie Mercury?!" I asked and he nods. "Mm hmm." He says and I quickly scrambled to get my stuff, yelling in pain when I moved my left leg. "Ow!" I exclaimed and the blonde man, Roger, looked over.

"Shit Freddie! Her leg looks all bent..." he says. "No shit Roger, I hit her. Help her get her stuff and I'll help get her in the car, and please help me get her to the doctor." Freddie says and Roger sighs. "Alright." He says, and he picks up the bag. Freddie helped me up and I smile softly. "Thank you. Roger, will you please call Paul and let him know that I'm going to be a bit late coming home?" He asks and Roger glares at him. "Last time I talked to him, I got yelled at. I'm sorry, Fred. You know I don't like him." He said.

Third Person POV

Freddie sighs as he helped Pheobe into the backseat of the car with her leg propped up, getting into the passenger side while Roger gets in the driver side. "Hey kid. I couldn't help but notice your bag. You're a fan?" He asks and she nods gently. "Mm hmm." She says. "You know darling, I noticed your ears and tail. Nice costume!" Freddie says and she sighs. "This isn't a costume..."

Adopted By Freddie Mercury Where stories live. Discover now