Chapter 3: Year: 1980

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POV: 3rd Person

After the doctors got Records for Pheobe, Freddie was welcome to take her home. "Paul! I'm home!" He says as he walks inside, and he rounds the corner, arms crossed. Pheobe hid behind Freddie. "What took so long?" He asks and Freddie sighs. "I hit a kid, so I took her to the hospital. She broke her leg." He says and she moves gently. Paul looks at her and raised a brow. "Why did you bring her here?!" Paul asks and Pheobe furrows her brows. "She had nowhere to go, so I took her in. She's our daughter now." He says and Paul shakes his head, walking away. "Don't mind him, he's not as bad as he seems." Pheobe sighs, rolling her eyes. "I know about Prenter, and I know a little bit about what happened between you two. You forget that I'm from the future. I'm not telling you what happens though. I don't wanna ruin anything." She says and he nods. "I understand." He says and she sighs. "Alright, come sit down and just relax dear, I'll make you some tea." He says, smiling softly. She nods, sitting on the couch, sighing.

She relaxed and leaned against the couch arm, looking at the TV. There wasn't much on, just news about Queen and Freddie's latest interview. She was bored, and after a moment, he brings her some cookies and tea. "Thank you Freddie." She says and he nods, smiling warmly. He sits down beside her, looking at the news, before rolling his eyes and changing it to a random movie that was on. Paul walks in and sits with him as well, and he kisses Freddie. "I've gotta go, I'll be back." He says and Freddie nods. After Paul left, he gagged, sighing. "Why are you with him?" She asks as she looks at the table, noticing white powder on it. She starts to realize what it is and she shivers. "I don't know why I'm with him..." Freddie says and she sighs, nodding.

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