Chapter 2: Year: 1980

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POV: 3rd person.

"What?! That isn't a costume?!" He asks and she shakes her head. "No sir. It isn't. I was born like this." She says softly. "Woah...interesting." He says and he smiles when they get to the hospital.

A few moments later, she was being worked on, but there was a problem. "Excuse me? Um, can I talk to you for a moment Mr. Mercury?" The doctor asks and he nods. "This child has no records. We don't know what to do from here. Can we ask her a few questions?" He asks and Freddie shrugs. "It's up to her, darling. Not me." He says, and Pheobe looks over. "What's wrong?" She asks and the Doctor sighs. "Can we ask you a few questions?" She nods. "Alright. Do you know where you are?" "Well, from what I've seen, 1980's London." "Okay. Do you know what year you're in specifically?" "Yeah. 1980." "Okay. One more question. What year are you from?" "2015. Let me explain. I was running to school because I had missed the bus. And I know if I was going to be late to school, my mother would beat me. So, I ran. As I was running across the street, I was hit by a car. The next thing I know, I wake up in the 1980s with Freddie Mercury standing over me, and Roger Taylor telling him that he hit me." She explains, and the Doctor sighs. "No wonder we have no files about you, hun. Alright, do you mind if we get your bone-work, bloodwork, weight, height, gender, and a few other things?" He asks and Pheobe nods. "That seems fair to me." She says and the doctor nods. "Thank you for cooperating." He says and she nods. "Hey, it's better to cooperate than be like a Karen." "A what?" "A Karen." "What does that mean?" "It means that A woman starts a problem because of something they don't like, they're afraid of, or they just don't want to do. They act superior and stupid, and they just make life hell for everyone around them. They are called Karen's. They also have their husbands counterpart, Kevins." She explains and the people in the room laugh a little. "Alright kid." The Doctor says and they go and get her checked up.

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