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     Even though, as I said before, we were 'too tired to have a conversation', that only included sane conversations.

     It did not include screaming games of Uno.

     Everybody but Tokoyami, Todoroki, and my group had gone to bed before we remembered the game of Uno.


     Let's just say that the rest of our building mates–other than Todoroki and Tokoyami, they were having an emo and monotone blast watching our chaotic game–were not happy with our late night Uno game.

     Hey... It's a Saturday, right...? No school tomorrow...?

     When our Uno game finally finished, at three forty-seven am with having woken up about thirteen people in total, we cleaned up and headed to our dorm.

     Our door was a double, the brown wooden pieces very prone to creaking every time you opened or closed it. The beds were lined against a far wall, even spaces in between beds except for two, Yuri's bed being positioned right next to mine considering that nobody else but Kiyana had volunteered to sleep with her.

Because of her reoccurring and terrible nightmares, she hates sleeping alone. I understood completely, seeing as how I had the same problem when I was younger.

Now though, I can't remember much. Everything is blurred. Plus, nothing can hurt you if everything's a joke.

Moving that aside though, we had a small bookshelf near the end of the hall, filled with mostly Shiro's, Neozaki's, and I's books. Most of my books are on the small shelf above my bed though, seeing as how I read most of my books on my phone. Wattpad is an especially wonderful source for reading. It has fan fictions, spoilers, and a whole damn not more. You should check it out if you get the chance. Even those in our group who don't normally read use Wattpad on a regular basis.

Moving on, near that bookshelf is a few plants for Leah. There's a big, fluffy, and colorful rug in the middle for random things, such as Uno, living life, reading, being annoying, pretty much anything you want.

And that was pretty much it. It isn't really anything special, except it is for us. We've had that rug since we were kids, and we love it.

     Sure, there's a few blood stains from when Neozaki knocked Hara's tooth out, or from when I invited Neozaki over without knowing she had just finished a fight with an eighth grader when we were eight and she had won, and she dripped blood all over the carpet, or something like that. But it's all good!

Finally falling asleep about an hour after I got into bed felt good. After a long ass day of chaos, awkwardness, and just overall pain, it was amazing to sink into the comforter, bed sheets pulled over myself, and let my eyes rest.

I never noticed the blond head with crazily messy bangs watching us from our window.


But apparently, the school alarms had other plans.

The school called class 1A out of their dorms about fifteen minutes after I fell asleep. What. Please. JUST LET ME SLEEP.

The camera had caught footage of "The League" sneaking around on campus. Apparently they had gotten into the campus without sounding the alarm. But they had escaped before anybody had been able to catch them. Evidence–footage and messed-with papers–shows that they were looking for information on the students. The teachers were confused though, because it would be easy to get information at the sports festival, correct?

Nonetheless, they had us crowded in the common room. I lost my friends in the crowd, so at this point, my only hope was to use... The group chat.

less depresso, more expresso☕️✨

🕳️Reality🕳️ (Ikumi): where r u guys

💤Lucid💤 (Yuri): currently dying 🥲

🕳️Reality🕳️ (Ikumi): wait why

✨Scarlet✨ (Neozaki): Because she can dumbass-

🕳️Reality🕳️ (Ikumi): oh :,)

🤕Poena🤕 (Shiro): Be nice Neo.

✨Scarlet✨ (Neozaki): bE NiCe NeO

🤕Poena🤕 (Shiro): ...Point taken.

🐉Mythic🐉 (Kiyana): Ya'll are annoying- where tf are you?

🎧Safe and Sound🎧 (Micah): In a world that exists

🎨Sketches🎨 (Hara): So what if I told you that I was in a world that doesn't exist 😱😂

🥀Rose Thorns🥀 (Leah): Yeah, no. 😐

✨Scarlet✨ (Neozaki): I'm in a world that doesn't exist 🙂

"🥀Rose Thorns🥀 (Leah)" Removed "Scarlet (Neozaki)"

It really was only a matter of seconds until I heard Leah laugh and then yelp in pain. At least now I know where they are.

I walked over to the source of the noise. "Neo, chill-" I tried to say, but she grabbed my wrist. Again.

"I am holding Ikumi hostage until somebody adds me back to the group chat!" She announced loudly. Aizawa, Present Mic, and Principal Nezu, who were all conversing at the front, no doubt trying to find some place to put 'The Problem Children', looked over, but saw it was just Neozaki, sighed, and went back to talking about a possible plan.

"Neo, I'll do it!" I squeaked.

"Nuh uh, I want it to be Leah and Leah only." She growled

Leah gulped, but made no move to add Neozaki back. Shiro came racing over and attempted to free me from Neozaki's grasp, but earned a swift smack to the face.

"Ow..." He whined, putting his hand to his cheek.

"Leah. Add. Her. Back. Please." I whispered, seeing as how I was slowly losing all feel in my hand.

"Not until she lets you go," She said, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at Neozaki.

Micah and Hara came over. "Oh my goodness, Ikumi, your hand is purple."

I sighed. "Ya think? Please convince Leah to add Neo back to the group chat, I can't feel anything in my hand..."

It was at this moment that Kiyana and Yuri came over. At the beginning of the gathering, most were having a conversation with their friend or classmate, but now there were whispers, and most eyes were on us.

"What the fuck are you all looking at?!" Neozaki yelled, and people quickly turned away, resuming their conversations. Only a few eyes stayed on us.

Leah took one glance at my hand and gave up. "Fine, fine!" She screeched, fumbling for her phone. The bright screen filled her face for only a moment, her hands flying across the screen, no doubt typing Neozaki's username to add her.

Once the job was done and Neozaki had checked her own phone for proof, she let my hand go. My normal olive skin color came flooding back in a rush, the purple hue only lingering for a moment before disappearing completely.

"Phew," I said.

"Okay problem children, you can go back to your dorms, it's safe," A tired Aizawa said.

There was shuffling as the students parted ways with their friends and went into their dorms. My friends and I went down the hall to our own room.

We all went to bed. Again.

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