Fire-Allie's POV

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                                                                                  Allie's POV


 I went up to my room after the incident that happened. When I got there, Cassie was laying on my bed.

"Where were you Allie?!?" she said. "Well, I went to meet father in the meeting room, I burst in there, and there is a meeting going on!" i said, annoyed. "Well I'm sorry for asking!" she said with an angry look on her face.

"Look Cassie, I'm sorry. I guess I'm taking all my anger out on you that should be going towards the butt-face named Leo." I said. "Meh, no need to get all mushy on me even though Loser is a butt-face." She said with a smile.

 "Okay, well I have to get ready for dinner, would you like to join us for dinner?" "Nah, it's okay, I'll just have dinner with my own family."



























 And that is how I conclude this crappy chapter.














No :) I'm just kidding. About being done with this chapter though this chapter is crappy ;)








I put on one of my better dresses to get ready for dinner. I heard a knock on my door and went to open it. "Oh! Hi Charlie!" I said. Charlie was my twin brother. I started laughing. "What?" he said in a questioning voice. "I just realized how much you look like Leo. It's kinda funny" i said. haha they did look exactly alike. "You just noticed that?"

 "yep" I can't believe I said that out loud. Did I seriously say that out loud?

 We started walking towards the dinning room. We slipped into an uncomfortable silence. Charlie walked in front of me and pushed open the big brown double doors to the dining room. It was honestly beautiful in there. With the amazing mural on the ceiling painted around a large domed window.

The realistically painted flowers on the wall gave the room a comfortable feeling. I took my usual spot at the table between Leo and Charlie. Yep. It's REALY fun sitting next to the both of them (note the sarcasm).

I looked around the room, seeing my Uncle Anthony and Aunt Claire. They weren't really related to me, they were just really good friends with my parents. I saw mum, father, and my other twin brother, Rickie. Yep, we're triplets. I bit my lip so I didn't start laughing at Rickie's weird expression.

There was also Lily and my little brother Fin who is the same age as Lily. Everything seemed to go in slow motion from there. Everyone was smiling and talking to each other. I looked over at Lily and Fin. They were fighting over a blanket right next to a giant candle.

 The blanket bumped into the candle and it went tumbling down setting the table on fire quickly. I let out a shriek and everyone looked to see what happened.

 Fear was in the air like a heavy cloud of smoke.

The same heaviness of the smoke in the air. While everyone ran to the door, I stayed frozen in my spot. How were we going to get out? I thought. The closest door was at the other side of the castle!

I was starting to cough uncontrollably while it seemed like everyone else had made it out of the room safely. I smiled to myself. Good. They made it out. They don't need me as long as they got out. I fell out of the seat I was sitting in, feeling a burning feeling on my legs.

Just before I pasted out, I heard a faint voice calling my name. Then, everything went black.


-A/N- Hey guys!!!! I decided to keep writing cuz I actually got an idea for this next chapter. Before, I had no plot, but now I just thought of this in school the other day and decided to write about the fire. I left you a present! A cliffhanger!!!!! :) I hope you liked this chapter. There's a picture on the side of what I imagine Allie looks like!


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