[ 5 ] : "IN TOO DEEP"

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This was the first time that I ever ventured to this floor, the mail for the director was dealt with by his secretary and army of personal assistants. I was curious when I was first hired but that curiosity faded after I heard a few stories about the man. Everything described him as having high standards and a stiff personality. Now, I wasn't usually one to judge someone based on rumors but I thought it was safer for a social clutz like me to avoid any possible interactions or mishaps.

And somehow, I'd gone and fucked up anyways.

I stepped off the elevator into a short hallway that opened up into an unexpectedly spacious room. The walls were a nice pristine white, a few black and white pictures; images indecipherable. On the far side of the room was a large desk. A man sat quietly hunched over a stack of papers, pen scribbling away; either completely unaware someone was nearby or choosing to ignore my arrival.

There was a splash of color and life thanks to the potted plants positioned strategically around the space. Honestly, it was like stepping into a picture on the cover of a home design magazine. There was no warmth or personal touches that gave any clues to the director. Or maybe this was his personal taste: professional and untouchable.

Frowning, I approached the desk with hesitant steps.

"Mr. Shelby?" I greeted, unsure.

The man was a lot younger than I was expecting, maybe even younger than me. He didn't look a day over twenty-one, fresh faced and suit pristine. His blonde hair was several shades lighter than mine, making it look like a cloud. The only thing that gave me pause was the sharpness of his gaze as he adjusted his glasses. I got the strong sense that he was judging me and found me lacking in some way. 

I couldn't help running a hand down the front of my blouse, hoping it was wrinkle-free. This morning was a rushed blur. If I could've predicted that this was going to happen I might have thought a bit more about what I put on. 

"You must be Miss Andrews."

"That's right."

His gaze shifted to the wall behind me, and I twisted to find a clock. That little—he was checking the time. How uptight could someone be? Irritation bubbled in the pit of my stomach, but I forced a friendly smile onto my face when I turned back around.

"You said four." And I was on time. 

"I did," he said, sounding almost bored. He picked up the phone and pressed a couple of buttons. "Your four o'clock appointment is here."

A moment later he hung up the phone, not another word shared between him and the director. That set me even more on edge. If this was how the man's secretary behaved, what did that say about him? I clenched my hand into a tight fist at my side.

"He's expecting you." He motioned to the door on the left. 

"Should I knock or—"

"Just head in Miss Andrews," he replied as if talking to a child.

I tongued my cheek to keep myself from snapping. The large dark wood door was more than a little imposing at the moment. It took all of my willpower to force my feet forward when everything was screaming at me to turn and run away. I stopped at the door, staring down at the gleaming silver handle. There were a million thoughts rushing through my head and none of them had anything to do with what was going to happen the moment I passed through this door.

"Miss Andrews?" I tensed at Mr. Shelby's voice.

"I'm fine." I grabbed the handle and opened the door.

The grandview of the city was the first thing I saw beyond a sea of windows. Even the ocean shore was visible. My feet ushered me forward a few steps, the urge to get a better look taking hold of me for a moment. Then I remembered where I was and I was getting a look at this breathtaking view. 

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