Ch- 9~ in HIS room

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Julie's POV

I got back to my room and took a quick shower, got dressed in my night dress, and then went to the kitchen to grab some food for myself...everyone was already asleep since it was already 11.

All this time I have been thinking about whether or not to tell jungkook that...I am not happy with this wedding. Should I really let someone know? And can that SOMEONE be jungkook?

I checked the refrigerator and found a tub of ice cream that I decided to take to Jungkook's room so that we can enjoy it together... I also found some packaged food that I ate before finally going back to his room...I hope he isn't sleeping...

I knocked on his door and, he didn't even take a minute to open it for me.

" you are pretty quick," He said with a welcoming smile.

"But I think it was better for you to take some rest since you have a long day tomorrow..."

" why? Don't you want me to tell you all that I've been doing over these months? Don't you want to spend time with me?"

" No, of course, that's not what I meant...I am glad to have you here..."

" Then let's have a chat..."

I handed him the ice cream and made myself comfortable on the couch.

He sat on the bed, facing me and...We told each other everything we have done while we were apart from each other. He told me that he got promoted and became a Pilot instead of an assistant pilot, I told him about my job, my family, and how we have been doing.

Basically, we shared everything...or almost everything except the part about my wedding. I decided to keep it to myself as I didn't want him to be unhappy, to know that I was marrying someone against my will.


Next morning

I opened my eyes to find myself in a cozy bed...I looked across the room to see jungkook sleeping on the couch facing the bed...I tried to remember about last night. And from what I recalled, we were talking till late at night until I fell asleep on the couch. But...since jungkook is a GENTLEMAN, he couldn't sleep in the bed while I slept on the couch so ,I guess he made the bed and carried me here and slept on the couch himself so I won't be uncomfortable. I smiled thinking how caring he is.

And then it hit me...the consequences if my family or my soon-to-be husband found out that his soon-to-be wife spent the night in another man's room. I was terrified at the thought of what could happen.I quickly checked the time and found that it was quite early for anyone in my house to wake up, so I decided to go back to my room before someone finds out. I wanted to say bye to jungkook...but looking at how peacefully he was sleeping, I couldn't wake him up, and quietly left the room. 

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