Ch-17~ Its finally HER

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Another door.Just one last door which will lead me to her. I am standing in front of her house...which is small and sober,no wonder she has good choices.

As u stand there, I can feel myself sweating. I am so nervous about what might happen next...Does she even remember jungkook? Will she be happy to know he is still alive? does she still love him...after 9 years?

Gathering my spirits...I knock on the door.After a few moments,a kid's head peeps out of the slightly opened door. not a good start.But...I need to stay calm.

'Hey...Can you call an elder?'

'...Do you want mama?'

"WHO is IT??" A voice asks from inside.

' I don't know...she wants you...'

Now,A middle aged woman appears and gives me a curious look.

'Who might you be...?

'Is this Julie's house?'

' is.'

'Actually...I went to Jungkook's house and got this address.'

'Oh...come in,please"

I follow her into the living room.

It's beautifully decorated, but not how an adult should like it.It seems more like a design, for the infants.

I take a seat across her and she gives me another questioning look.

I think for a moment before deciding how to start.

'I was hoping you might know something about Jungkook?'

'You are a reporter do you know about me?' HER tone is casual. She doesn't seem angry.

'No...I am not a reporter...I am his friend. I need to know what happened to him...please!'

'He was caught as a terrorist when he visited me in US.The cops shot him when he refused to surrender. '

'IS that what YOU believe?'

She looks up at me.A look of confusion and hurt filled in her eyes.

'Wh-what d-do you mean? It was announced in all the news channels and every person of US knows the story...It doesn't matter what I believe. '

'It matters a lot...please tell ME! Do you believe that Jungkook died? '

' yes'

'Do you think he had any intentions of hurting you or your country?'


'Answer me'

'NO...I don't believe he did anything wrong...he can't'

'OK...So...I heard you left your marriage ceremony after listening about his death...It seems like,you have got married after moving here...'

She laughs. AND...I can understand now why Jungkook loves her...She has this strong personality and a pure soul...Jungkook deserves her...ONLY her.

'No...I am not are mistaken.'

She says with the smile still lingering on her lips.

'But...That kid...Who's kid is that?She called you MAMA...'

'Actually after moving here...I felt very lonely...I've never lived without my family before.So,I made my house a place where the homeless kids can stay.I enjoy my time with them and the house is always loud with their laughters and mischieves. This way...

I have a company and they have a house.

The kid who opened the door was one of them.'

' aren't married than.I am sorry,I misunderstood. '

'What did you come here for?'

' What if I tell you...that...That Jungkook is still alive and he never died?'

'You didn't come all the way here to make a joke, did you?'

' I am not joking JULIE...he is alive...he never died...all of it was a nice show that your fiancé organised'

'He never died? Why didn't he come to me then? Why did he leave me to get married to someone I never loved?'

' He couldn't...that's why he sent that you could at least know about him...You can meet him,but it'll be hard.'

'Where is he? What happened to him? And...why would my fiancé do something like that? Jungkook did nothing wrong to him...did he?'

'No...Jungkook was kind and good- hearted.He trusted people easily...that was the problem. And...Your fiancé was jealous seeing how close you were with Jungkook. He wanted to own you...and that wasn't possible with jungkook around,to always protect you.So...he decided to remove jungkook first...

But...he didn't get you after all.You were never meant to be caged by him...What made you leave though? Did he misbehave with you or something?'

'No...he was always nice to me...way too nice...I left,as the news of Jungkook was too terrifying for me...I couldn't think of my marriage, with him dead.I felt like I am responsible for his death as I was the one who invited him...I should have taken proper care of him.And...I was never really happy about the marriage. It's not like I was forced...but,I wasn't ready to marry and have a family life...I was starting to grow my carrier and didn't want to focus on anything. All these reasons forced me to take the Dickson to not marry him and start my new life jungkook's hometown. "

'Oh...I understand it now.'

' When I be able to meet Jungkook? Is he okay?...I can't imagine that he is alive while I have been feeling guilty for his death this whole time...'

'He is in UK...under the supervision of Mr.Devis...ur fiancé. I was employed around 8 months ago as his caretaker.While doing my job...I got close to him and he trusted me enough,to tell how he ended up being a Prisoner....who is completely innocent.

He told me about you and wanted me to let you know that he is alive...He loves you...that's the only thing that kept him alive through all these years...The slight hope of seeing you again...'

As I spoke...tears glided down my cheeks,unknowingly. STUPID tears!!

Seeing me cry,Julie also broke down...and we both cried for Some good minutes.

The only difference was crying cause she found the person she loved...and other ,lost the last hope of ever being loved by HER lover.

Finally when we gained back our composure, Julie spoke.

" can I meet him?'

'I am not sure about that...maybe I can help him to escape and then he can come to you.'

'That's a great idea...We need to go to UK first.'

'Yeah...pack your thing, a week.'

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