Chapter 9: More Trouble

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Mipha and Link continued to grow closer over the next few weeks, and Link continued to return home every Sunday afternoon to visit his parents. But what was especially annoying to Link was that each time he would see Zelda walking by his house when he arrived. He thought it best to ignore her.

So, this Sunday was no different when Link arrived. As usual, his parents were happy to see him.

"Mom, Dad, you know the girl I have been telling you about, Mipha?" said Link. "I would like for you to meet her. Perhaps I can bring her here for dinner next Sunday? She's really a wonderful person, and thanks to her, I'm even doing better in my studies."

"Of course, if she is that special to you, dear, we want to meet her," said Link's mother.

"And if she found a way to make you study, she must have magic powers," laughed his father. "We tried to get you to study harder, but all you cared about was football."

"See what a woman can do for someone, dear?" laughed Link's mother to her husband, and he laughed too and shook his head.

When Link returned to the University on Monday, he met Mipha in the afternoon during a break in their classes.

"I spoke to my parents, and they would love to meet you," said Link. "Are you free this Sunday to come with me?"

"Oh! Yes, I would like that," said Mipha. "But now I'm feeling nervous."

"Don't be," said Link. "They're both nice people and think you're a good influence on me, getting me to study."

"I think that will make my parents happy, too," laughed Mipha. "Now it's time for our next classes."

When the next Sunday came, Mipha and Link took the bus together, sitting beside each other and holding hands.

"Now, don't be nervous," said Link as the bus arrived at the stop for his house.

They got off the bus and began walking down the block toward Link's house, when someone stepped out from behind a tree, surprising them.

"Zelda!" Link exclaimed. "I should have known."

"Hello, Link," said Zelda, ignoring Mipha for a moment. "Bringing someone home to meet your parents? How touching!"

"Yes, not that it's any of your business," said Link. "Now, don't cause any trouble, and we will be on our way."

"I would have hoped you learned from your past bad experience that it doesn't pay," said Mipha.

"Who asked you?!" shouted Zelda at Mipha, whom she had grown to hate. "You think I'm just going to stand by and let you two be together?"

And with that, Zelda pulled a knife from her purse and lunged at Mipha, trying to stab her in the heart. But Link had excellent reflexes and managed to jump in her way, pushing her arm aside. However, it wasn't quick enough, as the blade sliced into Mipha's forearm, leaving a gash.

"Ow!" Mipha cried out and grabbed her forearm to slow the bleeding.

Link knocked the blade from Zelda's hand and picked it up, then grabbed Zelda by the wrist, holding on to her. Then he turned to Mipha.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?"

"Yes, it's not a bad wound," said Mipha. "And I know how to treat it when I have some privacy."

"If you're okay, you can have some privacy now," said Link. "I'm taking Zelda home to her parents and telling them everything."

"What makes you think they will believe you?" said Zelda.

"Because they know you," said Link. "They know about the poisoning and how hateful you can be. Again, you're lucky you didn't cause Mipha more harm, or we would be waiting for the police. Now come on!"

Link pulled Zelda by her wrist, and they made their way up the street to the rich section, and Link whistled.

"Wow! These houses are almost as big as castles," said Link. "You would think someone who was so fortunate to come from such a wealthy family would behave better."

Zelda was quiet, just sulking as they walked. When they reached Zelda's house, Link rang the bell, and Zelda's parents came to the door.

"What's going on?" Zelda's father asked.

"I'm sorry, but your daughter just tried to stab my girlfriend, Mipha, the one she tried to poison."

"Oh, my God!" exclaimed Zelda's mother as her hands went to her mouth.

"Here's her knife, and Mipha's blood is still on the blade. I could report this to the police, but I hope your daughter will mend her ways and become a good person. I don't want to see her branded a criminal and go to prison."

"Thank you, Link, for sparing her," said Zelda's father.

"Now, young lady, you go straight to your room, and we will decide when you are permitted to leave it, which won't be for some time," said Zelda's father.

Zelda ran into the house crying and up to her room. Link could hear her slam the door closed.

"Thank you, Link," said Zelda's mother. "We will work to help our daughter improve her attitude."

Link said goodnight, then returned down the street to his house, where he found Mipha waiting.

"Zelda's grounded, sent to her room for a long time," said Link. "How's your arm?"

"All healed using my own magic," laughed Mipha, holding it out for Link to see.

"Great!" said Link, then they kissed, and he took her hand.

"Let's go meet my parents," said Link as they walked to the front door, then Link rang the bell, and his parents answered.

"Welcome, please come in," said Link's mother. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mipha. Our son has said so many nice things about you."

"Yes, and anyone who can get our son to study hard is someone special," laughed Link's father.

"Come on, Dad, you're embarrassing me," laughed Link, blushing.

"Let's all sit down and have dinner," said Link's mother. "It's just about ready. I hope you like eating fish, Mipha."

"It's my favourite food!" laughed Mipha.

Link took Mipha's hand, and they went in to have dinner. Link and Mipha both thought the evening would go well, and it did.

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