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Days like these, where there's rain and thunder I like to sit in my room and look out the window or grab a good book. Maybe turn on some R&B music. I love R&B with a passion. But right now I am currently at work waiting till 8 to get off.

5 hours and 7 minutes.

I work at a small shopping store called Max Shopping Center. Its just a little shopping store for food and essential supplies. Not very many people come here, considering how small this town is. Basically everyone knows everyone, and it kinda sucks living in a small town. I live in Hopkins it's about 45 minutes from Chicago.

I've lived here my entire 20 years of being on this thing we call earth. I haven't always had such a horrible life, in fact, my life really wasn't horrible up until last year, when my father decided he was going to move Dallas for work. My dad owns his own business. He's been trying to open solar powered hotels around the country. There's one opening up just a few weeks from now in the next town over which is about 30 minutes from here. I mean, its not bad for me, but for my 15 old sister its hell.

We go see him on school breaks and sometimes during summer. My sister went last summer while I stayed home helping my mom with my new baby brother Daniel. He's a year old now and my dads never really gotten to see him since he's always one for business trips. When my mom found out she was pregnant, that's when my dads business trips started. How convenient.

"Alaska," My perv boss Shawn, calls after me as I pace up and down the isles looking for anything to fix, "my office please.."

I sigh, but obey, walking down the isle towards the front office. I look down at my black converse as I slowly walk into his office. The smell of gas & pickles greet me.

"Sit," he commands. I do as told in the old brown leather chair that has bits of  leather peeling off.

"I am under the impression that you are needing more hours..." He slightly tilts his head, his greased face frowning.

This is just his way of trying to gawk at me longer than he can. I sigh, "And why would that be?"

"You don't work." He simply states as if it being obvious.

"Then fire me." I snap, quickly wishing I could take it back. Sometimes I let my temper get the most of me. I have a really bad temeper. I get mad very easy. "Not like I wa-"

"Get out of my office, someone's at the register." He cuts me off, he's fuming. I'd never speak to an adult that way, but having to have dealt with him for almost six months of him constantly staring me up and down like i'm some piece of meat, I had to. And honestly, it felt good.

I quickly walk out the office and towards the register.  A guy stands there, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was going to come towards the register. We quickly exchange smiles as I scan his items. Gum, tooth brush, tooth paste and a canned pack of sprites.

"Would that be all for you? " I ask after ringing up all his items. He quickly nods his head. "That'll be 12.72."

Pulling out his black velcro wallet from his sweat pants pocket before handing  me a 20 dollar bill. He's a little too old to be carrying around a velcro wallet. This gives me a moment to take in his features. He has dark brown hair. His darker complexion brings out his  hazel eyes. His eyes are beautiful. He's wearing gray sweats pants and a red Nike hoodie. "Keep the change." He says in a husky voice.

"Would you like a receipt?" I ask as I quickly bag up his iteams.

"No," he shakes his head. "What's your name?"

I was taken back, mainly because of the tone in his voice when he said it. He sounded almost hurt.

"Alaska, I know it's weird, but th-"

"No, no. Its a beautiful name," he pauses for a moment.  "I'm Devin by the way."

"Are you from around here?" I knew he wasn't but it seemed like he wanted to talk to me, so why not make conversation?

Devin clears his throat before speaking, "No, just passing staying here for the summer with a few family friends." He grabs his bags from off of the counter then leans against the counter, placing his bags on the ground. "Are you?"

That was a stupid question. I'd have to be from around here if i'm working here. "Born and raised." I let out a slight laugh. It's not everyday I meet someone who actually wants to converse with me.

"Ahh, I see," smirking up at me. "Is there like anything fun to do in this town?"

There is this one bowling place that no one ever goes to anymore because a few months ago a dead body was found in the basement. It was one of the employees. They suspected foul play. Ever since then you will never see people walking in or out of that place. I'm starting to think they are going to go out of business. "There's this cinema a few towns over, there's really nothing fun to do here. You'd have to drive to the next town over in order to actually have some..unless you like working." I slowly glance at the clock.

4 hours 57 minutes to go.

"Work isn't that fun." Devin lets out a small chuckle that all most sounded like a sneeze. "But is there any chance I can get your number? You're very beautiful and I'd love to get to know you."

To say the least, I was stunned and caught off guard. Devin was attractive to say the least, which is why I was so caught off guard that he would even ask for my number. Maybe he's just trying to be nice Alaska. Play it cool.

"Y-yeah, of course." I say taking a pin and writing on a crumbled up piece of paper on the counter. "W-w-well I don't mean of course, but yeah." I stammer handing over the paper with my name and number on it.

"It was really nice meeting you." Shawn says before exiting the store smiling.

"Alaska, you can clock out" Shawn says frowning at me. He seems to always tell me to clock out anytime some guy comes in here flirting with me, which isn't often but when it does happen this is always the result. Doesn't bother me none I've been looking at the clock since I clocked in. I don't say anything just grab my stuff and sign out my register before walking to my 2020 Chevy Spark. As soon as I close my car door I let out a loud sign. Today was a long day.  


Hopefully you guys will enjoy my story. I will be updating every Thursday at 7 pm est. each chapter will sometimes be in someone else's pov depending on what's happening in the story line. For right now Alaska is the main focus. Hopefully you guys will enjoy my story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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