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"No Han, I swear. It was like the book just ended in the middle of a sentence. That's like torture." I sigh to my best friend Hannah.

We're up stairs at my house in my room sitting on my bed. Hannah's on her phone as usual while I'm reading a book. Hannah and I have been friends since I was 5 years old. Hannah is a fire cracker. She is the most charismatic person you will ever meet. Everyone loves her, there has never been a person to not like Hannah. She is such a sweet heart. Sometimes I wish I could be more like Hannah.

"I would be so upset," she sighs. "Do you ever know what happens to Noel and Nathan?"

Noel and Nathan are the main characters of "Born into Alpha." It's a romance book, I'm a sucker for romance.

"No, I wish!" I sigh sitting back on my bed putting my book down and picking up my phone.

"Sooo" Hannah starts. "I was wondering if you maybe wanna go to this party with me? It's only a few towns over and I pr-"

"No." I say flatly before she could even finish her sentence. I heard the word party and I completely lost interest. Hannah knows I HATE parties, or anything that has to do with socializing for that matter.

"Alaska, come on. It will be fun. There's not even going to be a lot of people. And you never want to go to parties with me. I'm always super lonely wothout you Kay." Hannah pouts her lip and makes a sad face trying to guilt trip me.

I am not the party type of girl. I'd rather have a couple close friends come over and we have a game night or something. Party's do not appeal to me. I sometimes wish I was more like Hannah, she's the life of the party.

Parties are more of Hannah's thing. She's a party type of girl. Although you'd never see that in her if you've never met her. Meeting her for the first time you'd think she's a church girl who attends service every Sunday and Wednesday. In fact, Hannah is the exact opposite. Hannah isn't even religious. Which is why I find it so hard that me and her are even as close as we are. Growing up my mom and I went to church whenever we could. We'd all say prayers before bed and after she would ask me one thing I prayed for.

I remember one time she asked for a puppy and I told her a puppy. Weeks later I ended up getting one. I knew it wasn't god answering my prayers because I'd tell her things I wanted at one point when I started to realize every time I told her I prayed for something, somehow I would magically get it.

"Alaska," Hannah breaks my thoughts. "Please. I promise you it will be fun."

Do not give in Alaska.

I sigh and look over at Hannah, she's smiling with the biggest smile on her face. "Fine."

I gave in.

Hannah laughs and pulls me into a hug. "Great, tonight's going to be so fun!" She exclaims. "Be ready at nine!" She says walking out the door. "And wear something cute!" She shouts before disappearing.

Why did I even agree to go to this stupid party. I don't even like parties. Hannah better be lucky I love her ass cause if it were anyone else I would've said no and meant it.

I walk down stairs into the kitchen to find my mom feeding Daniel at the table and Amarion sitting at the island on her phone. Amarion is really into social media. She's really into makeup and stuff like that. She even has her own YouTube Chanel and she some how managed to rack up 100k subscriptions.

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