Chapter 31

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"Alright then, now that we know all your gifts, we will intensify training, we only have 3 weeks left until all of our exams are completed and we go home to Scotland to boot my council, so let us get to it.

Training began and it was hard, I ran them through drills of physical and magical ability use, for the first week they were completely drained, and they went to sleep just after dinner, and I also trained them in fighting.

"No Marik, you are still forgetting your stance" I told him, as I once again swiped his legs out from under him.

"Joey, sniff out my bracelet" I said, as I threw it away.

"Aw come on Akira, that is cheating" he whined, as we looked out over the junk yard, my bracelet had landed somewhere in.

"Tough shit, you want to work for the queen, you bring your A game" I said, and he ran out to look for it, it took him 3 hours, but he found it.

"Well, done Joey" I said.

"Yami, what you need is a mental block, so close your eyes" I explained.

Yami of all was exhausted, he always woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares of things that had happened in the past, and since I was his sire, he was I bit more tuned in on my life and my life hadn't exactly been cupcakes and rainbows.

"Good, now relax and try to picture the strongest wall you can" I said.

"Alright" he said.

"Is it okay if I imagine a shield of magic?" he asked.

"That doesn't matter, as long as you believe it is the strongest matter in the universe" I said.

"Alright, I got it" Yami said.

"Good, now imagine laying it over yourself, like you would be burrowing under a downy" I explained.

"Alright" he said.

"Good, now try to take a nap, just keep imagining you shield being there" I said, he nodded and went to sleep, after an hour I woke him up, he groaned.

"Morning sunshine" I said.

"Morning... wait I slept" he said and sat op.

"Yes, I believe you did" I said.

"Oh, my I actually got to sleep" he said and hugged me happily.

"That is great Yami" I said.

"Man, I feel tired now" he said.

"Well, it will drain you a bit, you need to build up mental fortitude to keep the visions at bay, but I am sure if you keep practicing, it will become second nature" I said.

"Thank you, Akira" he said.

"You are so very welcome" I replied.

The weeks went by, and they were getting the hang of it, Yami and Atem could both, now control when they had their visions, unless it was something really powerful, they all also got good at fighting and defending themselves.

I tried to tackle Marik, but now he jumped over my sweeping legs and trapped me, he smirked and then he let me go, I got up and nodded at him.

Heba could almost hear anything he wanted, but he could also turn it off, the same with the others how had gotten better senses.

Ryou got so good at healing and understanding vampire anatomy, that he would pass all his exams with honor, we were sure of it.

Even Yugi got better at sharing his gift for soul peace, which was good in times of stress for instance with exams, and we all made sure to also help him get some peace of mind, because unfortunately the spirit powers, doesn't work on the one who possess them, but having us around helped him.

We were finally ready.

As the weeks went by, we all also passed our exams with flying colors.

Of course, Ryou thanks to his new abilities, got all A's as I thought he would, but none of us did bad.

I talked to dean Morrow.

"Well, I think this experiment was a success, don't you?" I asked.

"Well yes, we have gotten great reviews since your queen said that you felt accepted here, and that people were welcoming towards your species" Dean Morrow said.

I had secretly released a statement as queen, where I said my subject who was a student at Domino university, felt happy, safe and accepted by people at the school, their positive reviews had gone up.

"I am glad to hear it, maybe we can continue our collaboration in the future" I said.

"Yes, I would like to also if it would be possible, I would like to meet the queen at an official meeting were I would sign over some spaces for vampire students" Dean Morrow said nervously, and I smirked.

"That could probably be arranged" I said, and we shook hands and I left.

Then I gave my student apartment back.

The others sold of their belongings, the once they didn't want to or couldn't bring to Scotland, like furniture, however grandpa's shop was just taken over by Kaiba Corp. So that it could keep being open, they even hired a human how loved games to take care of it.

So, basically anything, but Kaiba's company, was sold off, but hey what did I expect.

It was the night, before we were to leave, I was sitting in the living room of Yugi's house / slash top of the game shop, we had had a party this night since they were moving away, from pretty much the only home they had ever known.

I was worrying, tomorrow I would go home and boot my council, how would it go, what would happen, would the people accept and what about the delegates and would leaders...

"Urgh, I am getting nowhere with this" I sighed.

"Hey Akira, what are you still doing up?" Yugi asked.

"Oh, hi Yugi, sorry I can't sleep" I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I am busy, worrying about tomorrow" I said.

"Oh yeah, booting the council and all that" he said.

"Yeah, pretty much" I replied.

"I am sure everything will be fine" he said, and placed a comforting hand on my back, just above my heart in fact and I felt my worries melt away.

"Yeah, you are probably right thank you, and thank you for the dose of spirit magic" I said.

"Damn it, you felt it, I thought I had gotten so good at hiding when I am doing it, the others don't notice" Yugi said, and I laughed.

"Yugi, I am a 5000-year-old vampire, if you want to sneak tricks like that past me, you need at least a millennium more of practice, but I appreciate it none the less" I said.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense, okay come on let's get to bed" he said.

"Yeah let's" I replied, and we went to sleep, thanks to Yugi, I was lights out before my head hit the pillow.

A/N sorry if the training sequence was cringe, i did the best i could and that is all you can do

anyway i hope you liked it

Read you in the next chapter, Love Author <3 

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