Episode 2: Explanation

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Jon P.O.V

After I landed with my spaceship on the Planet called Terra in the middle of the forest area, I open the door and see a group of strange people with strange costumes, then I see one of Grampa's Max Plumber members Nezu who was being questioned by one of his group members so I intervene with his question.

"Cause he's a member of the Intergalactic Law Enforce called the Plumbers and his the leader of the Plumbers of this planet called Terra, Magistratus Nezu, and most importantly he's an alien called a Galvan the smartest being in this universe," said getting their attention towards me.

I looked and see that everyone was shocked to see that this little guy who looks like a mouse, a bear by Nezu a Galvan who has been experimented on by some alien hunter and turned him into that. And how do I know that? Cause I read the file of Grampa's Max members at the Plumber HQ.

"Where're my manners?" I said while bowing to them. "My name is Jon or Jonathan Kirby Tennyson aka Jon the Ultimate."

Then I smiled at them which make all the women blush. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, the people of Planet Terra."

After I said that I hear a cough, so I turn to look to see a man who wears all black and had a silver scarf around his neck, also I noticed that he looks tired with baggy eyes/ Then he looked back towards Nezu.

"My name is Shoto Aizawa or Eraserhead and can you explain who are you?" He asks a question. "What job are you working? Is Nezu really an alien? And why we didn't know about this from our planet?"

"It looks like everyone was shocked and confused cause they now know that aliens exist and they are not alone anymore in outer space."

I sigh and looked at him and then at Nezu who nodded which means that I have to explain everything.

"Okay, let me start from the beginning," I said as I looked at everyone. "Since you already know my name, then I will explain what are the Plumbers and what kind of work are they doing."

Then I see a blonde-haired man wearing a punk outfit with sunglasses also he wears speakers in front of his neck.

"Why are you called the Plumbers anyway? Do you clean up toilets on space?"

I sigh knowing that this question will pop out which makes me annoyed.

"Please I don't want to explain why we called the Plumbers, Uhm..."

"Hizashi Yamada or you call me Present Mic."

"Anyway, the Plumbers are Intergalactic Law Enforce who go way back around 100 years during my Planet called Earth to deal with Alien Threats, Alien War, Alien Illegal Dealing, and Saving Alien Lives as well."

I explain what the Plumbers are and they nodded since it's like their Hero Society, but more like in space with more villains.

"My Grampa Max who is the leader of the Plumbers of Earth and ranks top of the Plumbers called Magistratus same with Nezu who continues to monitor the Plumbers HQ within the choices of the Planet they choose."

Then I see a black long haired woman who is wearing an R-rated outfit. I didn't know where to look at it which makes the woman smirk to see that I blushing.

"So are you saying that your group is like an Intergalactic Police Force from outer space and Principal Nezu is one of the Leaders called the Magistratus who choose this planet to monitor the Plumber HQ on this Planet?"

"Well you're right about that, Uhm..."

She giggled at my shuttering as she introduced herself to me.

"Just call me Nemuri Kayama aka Midnight, Darling~."

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