Episode 9: USJ Incident part 1

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3rd P.O.V

In the Principal's Office, there are Jon, Principal Nezu, and the Big Three of U.A., Mirio Togata, Hado Nejire, and Tamaki Amajiki and you were wondering why they were there. Cause Principal Nezu or Magistratus Nezu will explain that aliens exist, the Plumbers, and that Jon had an alien device called an Ultimatrix turning him into all kinds of aliens with different abilities and it's not a Quirk that makes three of them stunned and speechless that aliens exist within their planet and their new substitute teacher is a Galatic Hero who saves multiple times within their universe from total annihilation or destruction.

Mirio: "U-Unbelievable..."

Tamaki: "......"

Nejire: "So you're saying that aliens exist and you guys were an Intergalactic Law Enforce in space! *Look at Jon* And the new substitute teacher is a Galatic Hero who saves multiple times with the power of this watch that can transform him into one of those called aliens?"

Jon: "Well you got all of that right."

Then Nejire quickly placed her hands on Jon's shoulder and began shaking him furiously.

Nejire: "I want to see it! I want to see it! I want you to transform into one of your aliens!? Pretty please~"

Jon: "O-Okay, but s-top s-shaking me!"

She stops shaking Jon making him dizzy.

Nejire: "Hehehe~ Sorry~ It just I can't believe that aliens exist and that you and the Principal were part of the police force from outer space."

Jon: "Don't worry you'll get used to it and I'll show you guys one of my aliens."

Mirio: "Amazing! Who knew that aliens exist and that they already lived among us, am I right, Tamaki?!"

Tamaki: "R-Right?! But why do you guys tell us this?"

Nezu: "That's simple I want one of you three will become a part-time partner of Jon during one of his mission of investigating or reporting any kind of alien activity here in Mustafa or Undertown."

Mirio and Tamaki: "EH?!"

Nejire: "*Raise her hand* Oh! Pick me! Pick me! I would love to see where alien lives and who they look like!"

Tamaki: "But Nejire how about your Internship with Ryukyu?"

Nezu: "Don't worry I got permission for all of your three Internships that you guys will have a partnership mission with one of our Heroes meaning Jon *Look at Jon* And yes I already told them about you as well and aliens' existence."

Jon: "*Sigh* I know that you are the Magistratus here in this Plumbers HQ, but just inform Grampa Max about this first."

Nezu: "I'll be careful. *Look at the Big Three* If you don't want to join that's fine."

Mirio: "I'll join so that I can save millions like Jon-Sensei."

Tamaki: "I-I'll join in as well."

Nejire: "Me too! Me too! I'll join as well!"

Nezu: "Excellent then I-"

But before he could finish his sentence Jon and Nezu's Plumber's badge started ringing meaning that one of the teachers was in danger.

Nezu: "It's the emergency Plumbers alarm!"

The Omni badge shows that a map of the U.S.J area in the U.S.J shows two were in critical damage.

Ultimatrix Male User x My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now