Episode 10: USJ Incident part 2

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Fasttrack saw Thirteen lying on the floor with her back was thorn apart Uraraka and Ashido rush towards her while Iida and the others sighed in relief as they saw Jon in one of his transformations to the rescue.

Fasttrack: "What's the situation right now, Iida?"

Iida: "Some of the students got wrapped in different places, but they are still in this building, Aizawa-Sensei is fighting the Villains right now."

Fasttrack: "Great job for holding out until backup arrived and the rest of the teachers will be here shortly."

Iida: "How did you know that we're in trouble, Sensei?"

Fasttrack: "Every teacher had a badge and when their lives are in trouble it sends a distress signal to every teacher so that they can get back up anything within the school area."

Iida: "I see..."

Sato: "Then what are we gonna do?"

Fasttrack: "Stay here and wait for your classmates to come back here."

Fasttrack dashes to the edge of the stairs where he saw a lot of villains down there. The Villains seem to be walking toward Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Kaminari. All three of them were standing at the bottom of the staircase ready to fight against them, but XRL8 dashes and ignores them so that he is in front of them.

Kaminari: "Woah! Who are you?!"

Yaoyorozu is shocked but quickly sees the Omni symbol within its chest meaning that this is Jon-Sensei.

Yaoyorozu: "Relax, Kaminari! It's Jon-Sensei and its transformation."

Fasttrack: "You three are you guys alright?"

Jirou: "Yeah we're fine, but Aizawa-Sensei..."

Fasttrack looked at the Villains in front of him as he saw Aizawa lying on the ground while his head was held by the Nomu.

Fasttrack: "What the hell is that thing?! It looks like a fusion of different DNA into one like Kevin or Aggregor."

Kirishima: "Oi!"

Kaminari: "Hey! It's them!"

Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki were running toward them.

Yaoyorozu: "I'm glad you guys were safe."

Jirou: "You guys were also got teleported by that mist guy?"

Kirishima: "Yeah..."

Bakugo: "Where is that warp guy?! I'm gonna beat him to death!"

Todoroki: "And who is this stranger? Did someone manage to call the school?"

Yaoyorozu: "This person is Jon-Sensei's and one of his transformations and he told us that backup is on its way."

XRL8: "Enough talking, the Villains are still in front of us."


He moved forward ready to fight them all.

Fasttrack: "No way, mister. You guys will stay here."

Bakugo: "BUT WHY?!"

Fasttrack: "You guys will get in my way and besides you still have no experience to fight against that thing. *He pointed towards the Nomu* That thing will kill you."


Kirishima: "Hey calm down, Bakugo. He's a teacher and professional we better listen to him."

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