~ Chapter 15 ~

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*Authors note*

do you guys like the cover/ blurb/ title?? i need feedback...

anyways, i love you guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter (its actually long!!)

erm, can i have 5 votes and 5 comments for me to post the next chapter... too much? probably but yeah, nobody likes this story, they all like the other one ok.

sorry for any swearing in this chapter (if there is any?) and sorry for any swearing in future chapters :)



~Chapter 15~
"Are you guys going to stay at my place?" Anna asked the three tired boys after they stepped off the plane.

"Is it closer?" Niall questioned, walking toward the terminal.

"It is, I'm staying at Anna's," Harry told them, almost leaning on her for support. He was so worn out from not sleeping.

"Right, looks like we're staying at yours." Zayn smiled tiredly, letting out a yawn.

“It’s not even seven and you're just about ready to drop,” Anna commented, glancing between the three.

"That's why we need to get to yours," Harry replied, standing up a little straighter in an attempt to slightly wake up, of course ending in failure as he just fell back to his position, walking with his arm around Anna and his head resting on hers.

"Boys..." Anna rolled her eyes earning a light smack on the head from Harry.

"Girls,” He snorted, leaning himself more on her.

They finally found their bags and headed for Anna's car which was sat in the secure area for long term parking.

"Nice car," Zayn commented, dumping his suitcase in the boot and taking a seat in the back.

"Does the job," Anna answered. Her car wasn't special, not a Ferrari or anything; it was a simple car, just for driving, no fancy gadgets.

Harry and Niall lifted their suitcases in before taking their seats in the car, Harry beside Anna and Niall next to Zayn.

The car ride was short as was expected; Anna didn't live far away thankfully.

"I’m having the couch!" Niall shouted, running through Anna's apartment and jumping on the lone couch in the living room.

"I'll get some blankets for you Zayn, and a mattress," Anna volunteered, dropping her keys onto the marble counter and moving to find the items.

"I'll help." Harry followed, tracing her footsteps until they reached the small linen closet which held one mattress that was just big enough to fit one person. Harry grabbed it and Anna pulled out three blankets.

The Butterfly Effect ~ A Harry Styles FanFiction ~Where stories live. Discover now