~ Chapter 19 ~

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*Authors note*


Okay, so, I'm going to be doing a charcater ask.

if you don't know what that is, it's when you ask questions to any character in the book and they'll answer them (if it's not going to ruin the story)

so comment questions to any character in the story (main or not) and i'll post a new book with the answers next week. I'll give you the link when it's posted if you want to read it. I may post it in this story but i probably won't. this may be a total fail if you guys don't comment questions so please do! this is your chance to really get how each character is feeling!

Thanks guys :)

~ Gabby

~ Chapter 19 ~

"Harry, it's been five days, you're not going to figure it out," Niall tutted, rubbing Harry's shoulders.

"I woke up, I remember walking to the door, and then someone took me back inside, I know they did!" Harry insisted, he could remember a little of his "sleepwalk" but the details were all hazy. He had spent five days trying to think of whom the person was, to remember something but he couldn't work it out.

At first he thought he had been brought back by Zayn or Niall, but when he asked about it, both of them told him they were asleep.

"Maybe you just didn't sleepwalk?" Niall suggested as he did on the morning Harry had brought it up. Harry had accepted that option but after the second day began to question why that night he hasn't sleepwalked and all the rest he had.

It wasn't a coincidence that when Zayn checked the door that it was unlocked, or the fact that there were two sets of dirty footprints left behind by Harry and the mysterious somebody.

"Sure mate, whatever you say, Zayn and I are going shopping, alright? Want to come?" Niall asked, switching topics.

"Yeah, sure," Harry replied quickly, jumping up and grabbing all his stuff, quickly checking his phone as he went. He did a double take as he read what had popped up on his lock screen.

hey haz, just seeing if you're ok. Stay strong, Harry.


She had texted him, after four weeks and six days of no contact she had texted him.

He couldn't feel mad at her, the thought of her remembering him on that day warming his heart. Maybe he was a little angry she hadn't called him, or texted earlier but he was perfectly content with what he had.

"Hurry up!" Zayn called from the hallway where he was waiting with Niall, Harry grinned and typed back a quick reply before skipping, although Harry would say that he walked normally, through the apartment and smiled wide at the two other boys who shared confused looks.

"What's got you so happy?" Niall asked, looking him up and down, it wasn't a bad thing that Harry was this happy, just unusual and that's why Niall questioned it.

"Oh nothing," Harry answered with a slightly smaller smile and a secretive glint in his eyes. "Nothing at all,"


"Niall said that they'd be here soon," Anna informed the boy before her, sipping her coffee.

"Remind me, why did I agree to this again?" Liam asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"Because you know he just misses all of you," Anna rolled her eyes, and repeated for the third time in the past three days how she convinced him.

"Yeah, he doesn't give up does he?" Liam nodded.

The Butterfly Effect ~ A Harry Styles FanFiction ~Where stories live. Discover now