Chapter 15: Crisis Outside The Cells

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(3rd Person's POV)

"D-Dammit!" Toko cursed as she sat on the bed of the prisoner cell Haiji put her in. "They take away my stun gun, then they stuff me into this dusty room..." She grumbled. "It's all her fault! I hope she chokes on a fish she caught herself!" But at that moment, her expression softened. "Well, I guess I don't want her to actually die... Argh, I gotta focus on Master Byakuya now, not that stupid idiot! I can't just stay trapped in a place like this! I gotta hurry and save Mas--" 

She stiffened up, the dust making her nose twitch. "I-I!" She took a deep breath, but no sneeze came. "Th-That was close! I was about to sneeze there!" She let out a sigh of relief. "Ugh, I can't take this dust anymore! I gotta find Omaru and Aki and... Gah, seriously, why am I thinking about them at a time like this!? So irritating..."



Komaru let out a sigh. She closed her eyes as she remembered the ambush on the adult base. The slaughtered innocent who made their end at the hands of the Monokumas...

"When you contacted Future Foundation, the kids must have honed in on you. They tailed you, and you brought them right back here! It's all your fault! You did this to all of us!"

Haiji's words rang clear in her mind. It's fault. Everyone got hurt because of me... Komaru thought.

"And if I had just tried harder, if I were a better person, I could have protected them... I couldn't do it... Because I'm weak..." Komaru sobbed. "It's just like Toko said, I'm so weak... I kept saying "I can't do anything," always relying on others... I never even thought about "saving others," and now this happens..."

She continued sobbing and wallowing in sadness before...

"Sneak sneak~ Sneakity, sneak~!" A voice sang as she turned around to see Kotoko. "Tra la la~ Why, hellooo there! My name is Kotoko Utsugi. I'm the Fighter in the Warriors of Hope. Formerly known as Li'l Ultimate Drama! Well, not like it matters at all... Ooopen sesaaame!"

Suddenly, electricity crackled around the cell door until it flopped forward as Kotoko skipped inside. "Woohoo! Sorry for the intrusion, tank you veddy much!" She giggled. "Phew, I reached waaay back for that reference! I had to deal with baby boomers all the time, so my gags are kinda dated. And speaking of old... Aw, I can't think of any follow-up! I must be nervous!" She sighed. "My heart is racing faster than 16 shots a second! Master Takahashi would be proud!"

"U-Um...?" Komaru had no idea how to respond.

"Yeah, yeah, I already know what you wanna say. You were gonna tell me a Fighter should be a boy." Kotoko assumed. "And speaking of boys, I've heard some people say that slugs don't have a gender... But actually, slugs have both male and female bodies at once!  People who go around spreading half-assed lies about slugs deserve swift punishment!" She declared as she started kicking the ground. "Fighter Kick! Fighter Punch! Chakaw! Hatcha!"

She then went for another kick before tripping and falling backwards, unintendedly showing Komaru her undergarments in the process. The brunette promptly sweatdropped.

Kotoko sighed. "That's what I told them... That I didn't want to be Fighter because I'm not good at P.E. I mean, I am reaaally good at "physical education" though..." She got up and looked at Komaru. "How 'bout you? You good and health and physical education?"

"Is that... Is that even a subject you can be good at?" Komaru wondered, taking an apprehensive step back.

"There are no girls who dislike health and physical education!" Kotoko puffed her cheeks out. "That's my theory, anyway." She then proceeded to stare at her. "Staaare..."

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