Ken "Draken" Ryuguji x Insecure!Chubby!F!Reader

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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :𝓨/𝓝'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥: :;

Draken and I were hanging out in his room when he voiced that he needed to go to the bathroom. "Okay, I'll be here waiting for ya," I replied with a small smile. Draken returned the smile then walked into his bathroom and shut the door locking it. I got up from my position on his bed and began to take a look around his room. "Wow, for a teenage boy, his room is spotless." I thought as I stared down at the floor in amazement. I walked around a little then spotted his full body mirror. I stared at myself intently with disgust. "God, I am so fucking ugly. I don't get what Draken sees in me, I'm not skinny like those other girls that he sees all the time here." I thought as I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at my body that was being reflected in the mirror. I lightly squeezed my tummy, hating the feeling of how incredibly unfit I am. I was so lost in thought, I didn't hear Draken walking out of the bathroom and talking to me. "Yo, Y/N, you listening?" he asked with a raised brow. Once I finally heard him, I turned to him. "Sorry, I wasn't listening. I was lost in thought." I said as I looked back at the mirror with sadness and disgust on my face. I heard Draken sigh and walk over to me. "What's wrong?" he urged with a worried expression. "Huh? No, nothing's wrong," I replied, Draken obviously not believing me with a scoff, which made me turn to look at him. "I've known you long enough to know what you're feeling just by looking at your face. What's going on, babe?" Draken questioned, lightly rubbing circles on my back.

I sighed to myself looking back at my reflection with a saddened expression. Draken raised a brow then he followed my gaze to my stomach. "Is your stomach hurting?" he asked as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I shook my head, tears threatening to fall. "Then what's going on? I can't help if you don't talk to me, ya know," Draken said as he rested his chin on top of my head. I let out a big sigh and a single tear fell from my right eye. "Why don't you get with other girls? I'm not even skinny or attractive enough, so why bother with me?" I questioned as more tears fell from my eyes and down to my cheeks. "What? Y/N, do you really think that?" he asked as his face turned sad. "Of course I do! I see the girls you hang around with, inside and outside of the brothel. They're so much prettier and skinnier than me, it hurts that I can't be like them. I'm just...ugly compared to them, my size doesn't help either." I explained as my tears only got fatter. Draken glared at me through the mirror then he turned me around to face him.

I look at him with surprise. "Don't you dare say that about yourself! You wanna know why you're my girlfriend? Well, I'll tell you why. I got with you because I fell in love with your personality. You're so funny, smart, kind and absolutely beautiful, no scratch that, you're sexy, gorgeous even! I don't like skinny girls, they look unhealthy, plus then I can't do this." Draken then dropped to his knees and lifted my shirt, my face heating up at the gesture. He placed his hands on either sides of my hips and kissed my stomach. He looked up at me with his eyes and smirked into the kiss when he saw my face. Draken then began to kiss around my stomach, multiple times making me giggle uncontrollably due to how much it tickled. He stopped and slowly stood up, smiling down at me. "See? I love you the way you are. Don't change yourself for me, please just be the true you, because that's the you I fell in love with, ya hear?" Draken said as he trailed his arms around my waist again. I nodded with the goofiest smile on my face. I looked up at him. "Thank you Draken, I love you," I said with a smile. Draken's eyes widened and I felt my face heat up. "OH MY GOD, I JUST TOLD HIM I LOVE HIM FOR THE FIRST TIME! HE HASN'T EVEN SAID IT YET!" I internally screamed at myself, then I saw Draken smile widely. "I love you too," Draken leaned in to me and our lips connected lovingly. 

We couldn't help but smile into the kiss; we pulled apart for air and stared into each other's eyes as we smiled at each other again. "You see, Y/N? There's no need to feel bad for yourself, not when I'm still alive. I will do anything for you to realize just how beautiful you are, no matter what." Draken said as he connected our foreheads. I couldn't help but smile, feeling all giddy and shit. "God, I love him."

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