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A/N: If you didn't see it in the title somehow, this story contains vore. If that isn't your thing, just click away. Please don't leave any mean comments.

Contains foodplay and teasing.

"So. I made reservations for that fancy restaurant tonight if you would be interested. The one I've seen you looking at before? We pass it in town sometimes," the man said, looking up at the Naga to judge their expression. It barely changed.

"The, uh, one that serves the steak?" they asked. Their voice was low and soft as they spoke to him.

He nodded. "Mm-hmm. It's monster friendly as well, I checked. Welp," he said and sat up from the Naga's lap. They tried to push him back down, but he stopped them with a gentle slap to their hand. He grinned at them. "We both have to get ready now. Put on a shirt. We have to leave in an hour."

They frowned. "An hour?" they asked.

"Yes, an hour. I didn't want you to get nervous and back out like you always do."

To be so big, the Naga had horrible social anxiety. He found it funny for their size but annoying at the same time. It was hard for them to do things together, so he was gently trying to coax them out of their shell. Get them used to people one step at time.

"Okay.." they mumbled, getting off the couch and reluctantly went to the room they shared. The man followed behind them.

Within a few moments, he left the house wearing the suit he hated so much. His long hair was neatly brushed back, and he had cologne on. He hated dressing himself up like this, but he knew how much the Naga loved when he did.

The Naga simply wore a long sleeved shirt. It was a plain green and buttoned up in the front.

They leaned down with a purr, flicking their tongue at his ear. He stiffened. "Oh, you look good enough to eat," they cooed.

"Do I?" he chuckled, flashing an embarrassed smile at them. He cleared his throat abruptly, breaking away from their hold, and moved forward. He hoped they wouldn't see how red his face had become. "Well, we need to go. Come on. I'm buying you nice food tonight, so there's no need to eat me. You'll have as much steak as you want instead."

They were both aware of how badly the other wanted it. The human hadn't been swallowed down since that night a few months ago, and weirdly enough he was yearning to be held so close to them again. The Naga was constantly teasing and making comments about eating him just to test the waters, but they were ultimately both too embarrassed and awkward to ask.

The Naga watched for a moment then followed behind him, quickly grabbing his hand to hold it. He didn't mind.

Arriving in the restaurant, they were both seated at a table together. The Naga had become quiet and nervous, and he gently tried to reassure them by nudging their tail underneath the table. They looked at him, revealing that their pupils had narrowed into slits.

"Hey, calm down," he said. "It'll be okay. You don't have to talk to anyone besides the waiter."

They wrapped their tail around his leg and gave it a little squeeze. "Okay.. There's a lot of people and.. smells here," they mumbled.

He smiled. "You aren't thinking about eating anyone, are you? You know you'll get in trouble for that, but I'm sure it would be lovely."

They gave him a look, and his grin widened. He leaned forward, and they automatically leaned in to hear him. His smell was so much stronger like that.

"Especially if I was the person, right?" he whispered. "I know how much you want to taste me and feel me slide down your throat and curl up in your stomach. I know how much you want to keep me all to yourself, and I could be all yours if you would."

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