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A/N: More of my cringe. I don't think there's any trigger warnings. The human and the Naga can't understand each other.

The Naga looked down at the small rat in their hand, examining it again for any blemishes, then back at the thing that was a little distance away.

They were so excited to greet this new thing- this odd creature with no tail. It was almost identical to them except it had two legs instead of a tail.

It had been so long since the Naga had seen anyone else in their forest. They were painfully lonely. This odd creature, whatever it was, seemed like a miracle.

The sun was going down which meant it had already eaten. The Naga was going to offer it this rat as a treat that they were sure it was going to love. It didn't seem like the thing was able to get hunt very much meat for itself. It was probably starving eating nothing but plants.

The Naga moved away from the tree they had been hiding behind, slipping up to the thing's enclosure- a fabric triangle. It didn't seem protective at all. It would never hold up in a storm.

They frowned. Maybe it didn't know how to take care of itself. That's why it only ate plants and slept in a cloth enclosure.

They would have to do something about that when they became friends, but for now they would have to figure out how to get into this thing without tearing it. There was no visible entrance..

"Friend? I brought a gift," they chirped and scratched their claws against the cloth. It made a funny noise, and they would have liked to continue scratching it, but the thing was stirring inside of the enclosure. They backed away and beamed at it when it stuck its head out of an entrance suddenly.

It was the first time they had seen it up close, and it looked..more frightened than they had expected. They might have spooked it.

The Naga quickly presented it the rat, smiling widely at it. "I'm sorry if I scared you! I brought you a gift," they said excitedly. "I saw you walking through the woods the other day, and you were really friendly looking, so I thought we could-"

It fell back into its home abruptly, and they heard scuffling and clicking.

They tilted their head and leaned down to look into the enclosure. They peeled back the entrance to see inside more easily. "Friend-?" they asked.

Noise came out of the creature. It made no sense to the Naga, but something metallic was thrust out to them.


They were being given a gift! Their friendship was accepted!

Quickly the Naga reached in, grabbing the long part of the metal thing as they yanked it towards themself. But the other creature pulled back, and there was a very loud noise and a terrible pain in their abdomen.

They had never felt pain like this before.

They dropped to the ground, gasping in pain. They clasped their hand over the bloody spot.

The other creature was leaving its home and pointing that metal thing at them again. They realized quickly that it was not a present.

The Naga totally panicked and instinct took over. Somehow the metal thing was knocked out of its hand, and it was now underneath the Naga. Their hands were wrapped around its neck tightly, applying too much pressure for it to be able to breath.

They didn't want to kill it. They would be all alone again if they did, and the thought filled them with anguish.

They swallowed the lump in their throat as they tried not to cry.

It would hurt them if left alive, but they didn't want to be alone again..

Watching its face change color, the Naga took in a shaky breath. They would have to do something quickly before it died.

They observed it. It was..really no different than any prey creature..was it? It squirmed and squeaked beneath them like the rat did when it was caught. It was a little big compared to the rat but..

Their stomach groaned suddenly as if to approve their idea. See, even their body wanted them to do it so it couldn't be a bad idea.

They let go of its neck and slipped a hand beneath its head. "Deep breaths.." they mumbled.

The Naga bent their head down at the same time as they lifted its head up. Their lips touched its forehead as if kissing it, but their mouth opened. Their mouth continued to spread open until it was enough for the other creature's head to fit inside.

As soon as it's head touched the back of their throat, they swallowed. It was instantaneous, and it caught them off guard. But they managed.

It was struggling frantically now, and they had to adjust their position. They held it still with their tail.

Its shoulders should have been a problem- at least the Naga assumed it would be, but somehow it went down very smoothly. Their body was adjusting very easily to the size of their large prey.

For a few minutes everything that happened was a blur to the Naga. Their senses were sharpening yet they felt themself falling into a haze as instinct was taking over. The pain in their abdomen was becoming dull.

This creature was going to be their's now. It was going to be their friend from now on, and they would help it learn to survive in the woods.

They felt ecstatic at the thought.

When the hazy feeling started to fade, they realized they had completely swallowed it. It had left a noticeable bulge in their stomach. They rested their hands over it, feeling it squirm.

"I'm going to take you back to my nest now, friend. Tomorrow I'm going to show you how to hunt and you won't have to eat plants anymore," they chattered, slowly getting up from the ground. They paused briefly when the pain flared up again but pushed through it. They were tough.

The Naga made a mental note to get rid of the metal thing before they gagged their friend back up..if they felt well enough to do that tomorrow. They needed to recover from their injury first so it may have to remain inside their stomach a little longer..

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