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Inspired by day eight of voretober, prompt is blanket

TW: None, I think. This is pretty fluffy.

The tiny Naga looked outside at the bleak world. Everything was covered in a heavy layer of snow. She had been snowed in with her roommate, a gentle human man. They had both been unable to leave the house for a few days, and she thought she would go crazy if she didn't go anywhere soon.

"I hate this.. Everything's cold and ugly.." she grumbled. She slipped down from the windowsill, lowering herself into the chair pushed against it.

Smiling kindly at her, he looked up from the book he had been reading. "It's not that bad. Be grateful we still have electricity. The snow could have knocked the power then we really would be cold."

She hit the floor with a quiet 'oof' when she ungracefully jumped out of the chair. "I'm still cold," she mumbled.

"From being cold blooded, yes?" he asked. He wasn't too concerned about her fall from the chair. She was tough, and she regularly jumped down from higher places.

The man put his book aside, bending down to pick the Naga up when she came to him. He held her in his lap, noticing that she was cold. She seemed sluggish as well.

"Yeah, from being cold blooded.." she said and snuggled up to him. She nuzzled her face against the blanket covering him, enjoying the softness of it.

He nodded. "Ah, well, I think I could help with that," he smiled.

She looked up at him suddenly, wondering if he meant that.

When he lifted her up, bringing her closer to his face, she hissed excitedly. He did mean that!

He brought her much closer and opened his mouth so she could get inside. His mouth was warm and inviting to her. She dragged herself inside then zoomed to the back of his throat in her excitement to get warm. The man briefly choked before quickly adjusting and swallowing her.

The tiny Naga was cold. Her scales were almost like swallowing chilly sequins. He could see why she had been so grouchy lately.

Being swallowed by him felt good to her. It warmed her very core, and his muscles provided the right amount of pressure as she was guided down.

Honestly the Naga found his stomach to be the perfect place for the winter. It was small, like a regular Naga burrow would be, warm, and safe. Comforting.

As the last of her tail was swallowed, she curled up, purring softly. She snuggled into the folds of his stomach.

The man put his hand over his stomach. Once she realized it was there, he could feel slight pressure from the inside as she pressed back against it. "Are you alright? Are you comfortable in there?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine! It's perfect," she assured him.

"I'm glad," he sighed.

After a moment of consideration he pulled the blanket tighter around himself. Maybe it could provide a little more insolation and help her get warm faster.

"Do you mind if I resume reading my book? Are you in the mood to talk?" he asked.

"No.. I don't mind.." she said.

"Alright then. Let me know if you need anything, I suppose," he said. He let his hand linger a little longer over her small form before picking his book back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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