one | youtube + phone call

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"what's up guys, it's ashton!" the boy greeted the camera that sat in front of him, "so if you follow me on instagram, which you should, you would've seen me ask for questions you have for or about me." ashton explained

"question one" he starts, 'where are you from?' "greece, actually" he answered with a smile

'question two, 'do you have any siblings?' yes, i have an older brother named garett, and two host-siblings"

"ouu here's a good one, 'if you had the opportunity to collab with anyone, who would it be?'" ashton pauses, thinking, "uhm i started watching the sturniolo triplets recently, they seem cool so maybe them"

'cats or dogs?' "dogs all the way. my brothers roommate, he has a cat. she's adorable, the only cat i like."

'favorite fast food place?' "mcdonalds, hundred percent. their coke hits different at two a.m"

'favorite brand of shoes?' "converse all the way baby!!"

'do you have other social medias besides youtube and instagram?' "yes i do. i have a tiktok, which is the same as my instagram"

'when is your birthday, and how old are you currently?' "october 14,  2003, which makes me 18 years old"

'do you play any instruments besides the guitar?' "yes actually, i can play the piano and violin, but i mostly play the guitar and drums"

'favorite show you're currently watching?' "uhm recently started south park, that's a good show."

'sports?' "if your asking if i like them, yes. if your asking if i play them, also yes."

'favorite band? could be current or one from when you were a kid' "uhm current, maybe the backseat lovers or the driver era? from my childhood, i was a big one direction fan, harry's lane all the way."

'why don't you live at home anymore? sorry if this is overstepping any boundaries' "it's all good. my lyceum years, which is basically 10-12 grade here,  i applied for an exchange program. me and miles ended up with the same host family, and we really like it here more than where we lived. after we finished school, we moved in together"

"this is the last question, 'how'd your parents react to you wanting to go to america for a year?' " he reads, "well my dad was excited because he and my older brother moved to america after he and my mom split. my mom was supportive, but i could tell she was worried because i'd be in a new country alone." ashton explains.

"alright guys, i think we're gonna end it there. thanks for watching! until next time losers" ashton does his outro, covering the lense of the camera before laughing to himself and stopping the recording

uploading the footage he just recorded to his laptop, ashton sighs, pulling out his phone again and calling his brother

outgoing call to 'μεγάλος αδερφός' waiting for the call to register he sets his phone on his desk, hitting the speaker button.

"Τι συμβαίνει αδερφέ μου?" his brother garett asks him
"what's up, baby bro?"

"πώς είναι ο μπαμπάς?" ashton questions, having no particular reason to call
"how's dad?"

"he's good, i know you didn't call to check up on dad." garett tells his brother, "what's actually going on"

"nothing, ενημερώστε τον μπαμπά ότι θα κατέβω σύντομα" ashton tells him
"let dad know i'll be down soon"

"got it, see you soon then." garett replies, ending the call

'what the fuck did i just do' the thought repeats over in his head like a broken record, "what the fuck did i just do" he whispers

end of chapter notes:

chapter one, done.
this one is roughly 600 words, as of rn. lmk if you
like the short chapter or would like a longer one

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