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*intro song + video clips - cuts to nick shutting his door*

"ayo, welcome back! it's your favorite triplets, the sturniolo triplets." ashton's voice says, starting off the video; though nick is mouthing the words

"today, we're in the car, again." chris says, laughing at how ashton is sitting so he's out of frame; nick had already taken a picture, "but, we're with someone really cool."

"it's me, hi" ashton says, chuckling at the taylor swift reference, "i'm the someone really cool"

"yes, this is ashton. he's cool or whatever" nick says, rolling his eyes

"i'm truly hurt; honestly. i'm more hurt than when matt slammed me into the car door on that one turn" ashton says, bullshitting

"that never happened, we're literally in your parking lot" matt defends

"proof? can you prove it without doxxing miles and i? hmm? didn't think so" ashton says, leaning in between the driver and passenger seat

"i could tell you to get out of my car" matt says

"you wouldn't, then who would make future videos entertaining" ashton says, sitting back after nick pulled the back of his shirt, "exactly no one"

"he acts like we don't live with nick" chris says, having been silently laughing throughout the whole exchange

"you guys are mean" ashton fake cries into nicks shoulder

time skip [driving]

"okay, i've been kidnapped. they're buying me food though so it's really not that bad" ashton whispers to his phone camera, "if you see this, it means i-" the video is cut off my ashtons scream when matt reached back and took his phone

"we did not kidnap you, stop being dramatic" chris says rolling his eyes

"really, then why did you put child lock on my door? explain that" ashton questions

"because you were trying to be stupid, miles said he doesn't want to go roommate hunting again." nick replied, grabbing ashtons phone from matt, and putting it in his pocket

"ugh, you guys actually listen when miles talks?" ashton says, rolling his eyes, "wait that sounded mean, miles i love you; please don't lock me out of the house when this comes out"

"change of plans boys, and ashton." chris says, "instead of going out for food, we're stopping at the store and having a movie night at the house, we'll finish filming first"

"ouu cool, do i get my wandering privileges back then" ashton asks

"no, you and nick are getting drinks, matt is getting chips, and i'm getting candy" chris explains


[in the store] nick and ashton

"cosmo, i swear to god, stop running" nick says

"then hurry up, jeez" ashton says, but stops and waits for nick, doing so anytime nick gets far behind him

"what kind of drink do you want? get like three for everyone" nick says, smiling at the camera in ashtons hand (nick's phone filming, matt has the actual camera)

"uhm, cherry seven-up, if they have it" ashton says, "if not then i don't really care; unless it's rootbeer, then i care"

"that is probably the most random drink ever" nick laughs

"hey! it's actually really good." ashton defends their favorite drink

"okay, jesus christ your popular today. your phone has buzzed like twelve times in the last ten minutes" nick says, taking the other boy's out of his pocket, and handing it to him

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