Fear Of Cry

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A queen-size four-poster canopy bed with white curtains, a white closet, white furniture, and what's wrong with her!.......  And white curtains.

the Cherry on the cake, a white fur rug on the floor. Looks comfy and costly only.

Enhancing the glory of the place, a big chandelier was hanging high in the double-height ceiling, which doesn't seem to belong to this place. With hundreds of Crystal pendants and beads, It steals the whole show.

She is in love with that lavish-looking chandelier.

That was the one last thing Haseena ever went against her mom's wish. She wasn't an expenditure person. still, that was the very first thing she was not ready to compromise with.

All the surfaces are clean and empty.  Because the owner of the room loves it that way.
Zara the house help places a series of complaints when she has to attend to Haseena's room chaos.
  Mrs.Malik was worried about this whole white kingdom's princess who doesn't seem to be anywhere.

Noorjaha Malik eyed every corner of the room for a sight of her daughter. And her eyes got stuck on the baggage which taken down from its places and was ready for travel. She places the glass on the side table and covers it with the saucer.

  A click sound of the unlocking a door gathered her sight to the bathroom entrance.

After getting Changed into an Oversized pink color t-shirt and cute bunny-printed pajama, Haseena came out closing the door by behind her, and switched off the lights as practiced, not consciously. she was sunk in her thought and wipe smoothly her wet face with a baby pink towel.

  Haseena was lost in her thoughts and had no trace of someone standing her way with folded hands on her chest and examining eyes focused on her.

"Packing almost done, hmm..." Noorjahan indicated, her existence in the room.

  Because of The suddenness of her mom's encounter, Haseena gasped in fear.

" ammiii, yaar almost got a heart attack!" that was a close shot.

Haseena claimed tossing the wet towel on the bed. and she never knew that very move had blown her cover-up.

Noorjahan smiles at the naive qualities of the young supercop. She is miserable at hiding things even now. Mrs.Malik walked near her daughter standing lost.

She placed the rose milk glass on Haseena's hands with a big smirk on her face.

" Ammiii ..." Haseena looks straight at moms eyes with big confusion in her mind and amazement in her transparent eyes.
   ' How is she got to know? '  she could hear the raising heartbeat of her own in fear.

  Rose milk and Ammi together have something seriously dangerous to do with haseena. She would survive with any lie detective technology that exists in the world but Ammi's rose milk. Ammi's magic rose milk portion has a very bad influence on Haseena.

" I have done nothing ammii... , believe me." Haseena blurted out unknowingly.

" aree... Just have it naa..., Ammi made Haseena sit next to her on the couch.

Haseena agreed like an obedient kid or a puppet whose strings were in her beloved mom's hands. still lost with no idea what's happening around her right now.

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