A New Me, I Never Knew.

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Pushpa Ji, you might have heard, sometimes small plants can't survive long under the shade of other huge trees. It getting weak in the fight for survival.

"So let the plant grow along. because over-caring could kill the naive."

"So it's better to keep the distance between us right now "

" we do certain things with pure intentions. but because of that unknowingly end up ruining something so Precious and beautiful for us and so does the other party too."

So this was the meaning of that last conversation Haseena, you wanted to quit silently.
Pushpa was connecting the dots when Santosh disturbed her meditation.

I'm gonna arrange the Cabin for Karishma ma'am Pushpee, would you like to come over?" Santosh had that irresistible pout while asking.

Pushpa gestures for her to go on. And walked behind her.

There was someone already present at the SHO cabin, adoring the nameplate *SHO HASEENA MALIK.

"Ouch.... Pushpee...." Santosh shouted as she got a heavy blow behind her.

Karishma's thoughts got disturbed and placed the nameplate back carefully.

" She will be back soon Karishma ma'am," Pushpa said in assuring tone.

" Hmm... Yeh.... " Karishma said coldly.

Pushpa did not expect that cold reaction from Karishma. She didn't even seems like worried about Her Madamsir, after the news of her 'indefinite leaves'.

" she must have some solid reason for not to reach any of us. Otherwise she's never the one who act irresponsible. Because she care for our feelings.

" why not! actually, she will be back after having her me time, isn't it? " her voice raised gradually.

Pushpa stood shooked to the place while santosh drops her mobile due to fear.

Pushpa began steps toward Karishma, and Karishma shook her head gesturing don't come closer.

The unnecessary noises inside the station made Cheetha and Billu Hurry up to get back without finishing their tea.

Santosh clutched Pushpa's hand in hers.

" Don't be negative ma'am, She will be back soon. Madam sir might need some time for herself. or maybe she is in something... You know na? "
Pushpa said it to Karishma but more of to convey herself.

" You know what Pushpa Ji, I'm not promoted as SHO temporarily, and, look! "
Karishma came around the table and open the topmost drawer.

" see....!, sorry to burst your bubbles but everything is so clear that she had planned her escape "
Karishma showed A empty drawer that Haseena used for her personal stuff.

" I never knew that silence was for this. I never knew. She planned everything to hurt me." Karishma's eyes were blank.
But a smile a sarcastic one. and it turned into an evil laugh.

Pushpa was observing a whole new face of Karishma, the angry one, the stubborn one, the insecure one but this broken one is something new and intolerable.

Karishma continued pacing pro and back.
" she is so smart and talented Pushpa Ji, she knows how to disgrace people and their efforts."

"She knows how to make people guilty about themselves."

" she knows how to decrease someone's victory by not being competitive."

" she knows how to hurt others by giving up on everything."

" she knows how to manipulate others' minds by running away."

" she knows how to make people yearn for her by hiding behind ."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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