A Whole New Beginning ?!

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Haseena witnessed a beautiful landing for the very first time. It's not that she doesn't fly regularly or has never seen that whole scenario but her busyness.
Almost after an eternity, she was traveling with a responsibility-free head.
Her disembarkation was no less than the boarding time facilities. Even Haseena felt that isn't it too much amenity for a simple employee who is going to be a Personal Assistant.

But it felt worth paying that huge sum when she got easy to access at checkout too.

At The Indira Gandi international airport, Delhi.

  Haseena waited almost forty-five minutes for her to be picked up by her coordinator. There were so many people who came to fetch their beloved ones. But Haseena.

And Haseena is supposed to meet Mr.Prathap at departure gate number one which is meant to be the VIP departure area, so it's a bit less crowded place.

Otherwise, The whole place was truly crowded outside, and Haseena already felt like she is standing beneath a different sky. It smells different, and the warmth in the shades of color is different. The People seem like lot busier than Lucknow.

She once thought about contacting Prakash sir but shook the idea when she recalls his last conversation. And she literally smacked her forehead.

How could I act like a stupid?  And she walked towards the waiting area again.

Its "Urmila Mahadev Matre " is her identity here.

Haseena got convinced, by the reasons given by Mr.Prakash to join the new place as Urmila Mahadev Matre which is her fake identity used in her previous mission.
" they will never be comfortable around one more police officer., especially with those who have worked with Intelligence before. So let Urmila join the job Haseena!" that's what Prakash said.
So Haseena walk-up with his decision because she too has some personal reasons to stay in stillness for some time. And she forgot what they decided that day.

'Haseena concentrate! what are you doing!? Just do your job properly' she scolds the relentless self inside her.

An innocent man in a white color uniform in front of the all-black beauty Mercedes Benz was told to take care of her baggage by Mr. Prathap.

"Hope you had a safe flight maam. " Prathap placed his spectacle back as his habit for gesturing towards the vehicle.

" Myself Arvind Prathap, head of personal staff. nice to meet you, miss Urmila Mahadev." he was indeed a pleasant gentleman.

Haseena felt a bit nervous when she was called by that name again. It has a lot to do with her horrible history and is connected to the agony of her life.

Mr.Prathap opened the car door for Miss. Mahadev suddenly someone stormed in and settled inside the car, engrossed in the mobile screen.

Prathap and Haseena looked at each other's faces with confusion. Prathap made Haseena wait and tilted toward the uninvited passenger.

Haseenas' view was disturbed by the black frosted window. But she had a glance at the person who has long afro braids and pigtailed hair like a hippy culture related.

It seemed like Mr.Prathap having a bad time with the opponent.

Haseena knock on the window to gain their attention from each other. " excuse me,!"
Because it's getting late for her meeting with her boss. And she didn't want to spoil their first impression of her.

" Will you please excuse me! " that was a quite too intense and authoritative excuse by the way. And no doubt that was the effect of fearless Urmila.

Before Prathap sorted out the situation the person who forcefully landed in the vehicle descended from the vehicle and turned to Haseena.

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