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You nodded with a smile and wheeled him over to a sitting area. You sat beside him on a park bench and took in the faint scents of lilac and rose buds.

"All these... smells." You turned to look at his awestruck expression and chuckled.

"You love it don't you?" He nodded and fiddled with his fingers. "So... what were you meaning to speak to me about?"

"I am sorry if I... I scared you.. in any way." Hawks stated in a low voice, keeping his eyes off you as much as possible.

"No need to apologize. You were scared. Now then, I'm assuming you'd like to continue what we started?" You eyed the guards around you making sure none of them are too close. "As always... our conversations are never recorded."

"I miss what I had... before. At least I think I do."

"You don't remember life outside?"

"I try to... but it comes back like a nightmare." You watched him grasp the chair handles as a pained laugh escaped his mouth. "I remember... I was something great, but they.. they took it from me... now I'm here."

"Who did?" He looked over and smiled. The sadness in his eyes showed the grief of how much he missed his past life before the psych ward.

"I don't know... I wish I could tell you but- but I don't know."

"That's okay, we can still continue our chat."

"That... that is true, can- can you promise me one thing?" You looked over and gave him a simple nod. "Will you... h-help me get better?"

"Of course, that's why I'm here. I'll be in charge of everything that goes to you from diagnosis to medication. As long as I'm around. Your safe okay?"

"O-okay..." You clasped your hands with a smile and slowly lent your hand to his own. Hawks was hesitant at first but slowly reached for your hands and grasped them tightly.

Now I understand you feel so much better here... but I'm going to have to ask you some questions okay?" He nodded in compliance and you continued. "So have you been hearing any type of voices in your head, that tell you to do things or talk to you at all?" Hawks was silent for the most part until he slowly nodded still keeping his hand in yours. "How about stuff you see? Do you see things that may just be only you?" That question sparked something inside him as he locked eyes with her.

"Y-yes... very frequently I- I don't know it's a lady. She, she kinda- looks like me but not me, and I- I don't I'm scared."

"Hawks..." you squeezed his hand with a smile. "It's alright. She isn't real... but what we're going to do is this, are you already on medication?" He nodded. "Thought so... here is what we are going to do, I'll take you off all the major medications you have except a few that help with your health like vitamins. It will help me monitor throughout the week what medications you truly do or don't need, am I making sense?"

"No more... medicine?"

"For now at least yes!" You laughed softly as the wind softly blew. The breeze felt amazing as you took a deep breath seeing the small smile slowly appear on Hawks's face. 

Deep down you wanted to be wrong.

You wanted Hawks to need the medication, because in your mind if he didn't need it then something more sinister was afloat at the ward you found yourself working in. Bringing yourself out of the state of eternal thoughts, you turned over to Hawks and laughed.

"Let's grab you some lunch okay? I'm sure your hungry!"

𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 ; 𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃!𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐒Where stories live. Discover now