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Note :

Lan wangji name changes because plot demands .

Lan wangji's mother name :

Surname ; Li =Beautiful

Name :     Li Ai

As Lan Wangji's mother name was not mentioned in the Novel , Drama  
So, I took the liberty to name her and I personally think it suits her from the little I know about her.

And as I already said Lan Wangji name is changed so remember that when ur reading this from this chapter onwards

Lan wangji's Name:

Surname :Li =Beautiful

Birth Name= Li Zhan

Yu=Jade .

Courtesy name = Li Yu

Pardon me if the Name is not to your liking , I don't know much about Chinese names so excuse me .

Ok you can dive in to the story now.

Lan zhan, Do you want to see your mother, I can take you to her . Ok???

Lan wangji speaks.

Who are you and how do you know my mother??

Little lan zhan asks.

Well, I am your mother's brother and your uncle , that's why your face is similar to mine and I am Li zhan courtesy Li Yu. So do you want to come with me and see your mother?

Lan wangji asks

Mnn .

Lan zhan .

Be silent and I am going to carry you in my arms , Ok?

Lan wangji  says.

Mnn, Ok.

Lan zhan.

[ Wangji carries little lan zhan in his Arms and walks out of their Prison in which they were born and binded by rules and were trained and made  emotionless or to say their Puppets.

[2 hours later past 9 , both zhan's are sleepy but are stubborn to take rest  especially the little one who is eager to meet his muqin ]

Where are we going now ???
And when are we  going to see  Muqin.

Asks Lan Zhan.

Just travel the Path where Destiny leads us  to .

Lan wangji says.

You lied to me , Muqin is not here .

[ Lan zhan Cries and hits Wangji's Chest with his little fist .]

Shuh !!!! Stop.. stop crying .. please

( How can I stop him from Crying ?, A yuan didn't cry this much . Wei ying , If he was here he would handled it perfectly. )

{ [ Wangji did the first thing that came to him Naturally.] }

{ Imagine only Wangji is singing. }

{ [ The little boy slept peacefully now , without Sadness in his heart by listening to the Song ] }

 { [ The little boy slept peacefully now , without Sadness in his heart by listening to the Song ] }

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So how's it, comment on it and give me some Self confidence which I lack .

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