To have been able to tell this story has been one of the greatest honors of my life.
It's been a very long journey - I have published the first chapter in the distant year of 2018 - but it's been worth it, because I got to tell it exactly the way I wanted (actually, the roughest draft of the first plot got changed A LOT, Sarah can tell you that!). In the end, however, I came up with the best way to honor the story I so jealously kept in my heart, ever since my grandmother decided to share it with me, that fateful day of some years ago.
I have kept as close as possible to the historical events, and I hope I have helped you understand what was going on in those very dark pages of Italian history.
So, to you, my dear reader, I wanna say thank you . Thank you so much, whether you have got to the end of the story, only checked the first chapter out, or dropped her halfway (because my updating schedule has been the messiest I have ever encountered in a writer). Knowing that someone has read this story makes my heart swell, because I thought no one would've ever even thought of clicking on it.
Thank you so much whether you have voted and commented, only voted or only commented (even once), or were a silent reader. Seeing the stats slowly go up made me feel very very proud of myself.
Thank you so much if you also read this author's note, which dropped at the same time as the chapter. Thank you so much for stopping one last minute with me ❤️🩹 If you want you can say hi haha 😭
Before I leave you I have, however, some special thanks to make .
To denialinoursoul , because you know EXACTLY WHY I am thanking you. Thank you for always being there, willful to listen to me rave about the plot, the characters, the things that made me think this was not a good story, and for being patient and always ALWAYS coming back to me with a full on review. I woke up anticipating the moment I would've read those.
To dualipaaaas thank you for loving Pia more than I do. If she got a happy ending it is also because of you. (And thanks for the tiktoks, they make me crack up every single time)
To stcrcourts : thank you for loving Tommy because my boy needed someone who loved him more than I did. He would've always gotten a happy ending, but still. Thank you for always being supportive of me and my writing, even though you're not hstyles adjacent Ike I am. One day I will give you that villain x protag ship 🛳
To 1989poetries , my real life Pia. This is YOUR FIC our child. This fic would be NOWHERE without you, your knowledge of World War II , your translations and your help in picking the names of the characters and the actors (although maybe you don't remember it). Thank you for having spent countless late nights with me as I wrote and vomited words, and I said "I'm gonna stop there" and then added 10k words more. The 1k+ Pages of "no bravery" are all dedicated to you.
To xrcticmonkeys , for when you finally catch up. Without you I wouldn't have been able to envision Pia and Alex as well as I did. Thank you for always being there with me when I wanna tell you about a new idea that I got . I love you ❤️🩹❤️🩹
And now I'm truly done.
To you all, one more time, thank you!
And TO ME CONGRATULATIONS because I was able to complete yet one more story I thought I was gonna abandon because I didn't have the talent to finish it or tell it as good as it needed to be told. I deserve a small applause just because of that .
And lastly, to my grandma , because she shared the gist of this story with me, and allowed me to build on it, and give me a way to gift an outlet to my galaxy brain, because when I am not creating, then I am not existing.
For the last time :
- yours, ils 🌟 -
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